Network Working Group                                      D. Zelig, Ed.
Request for Comments: 5602                                        Oversi
Category: Standards Track                                 T. Nadeau, Ed.
                                                               July 2009
Network Working Group                                      D. Zelig, Ed.
Request for Comments: 5602                                        Oversi
Category: Standards Track                                 T. Nadeau, Ed.
                                                               July 2009

Pseudowire (PW) over MPLS PSN Management Information Base (MIB)

MPLS PSN管理信息库(MIB)上的伪线(PW)



This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes a MIB module for PW operation over Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching Routers (LSRs).


Status of This Memo


This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

本文件规定了互联网社区的互联网标准跟踪协议,并要求进行讨论和提出改进建议。有关本协议的标准化状态和状态,请参考当前版本的“互联网官方协议标准”(STD 1)。本备忘录的分发不受限制。

Copyright Notice


Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

版权所有(c)2009 IETF信托基金和确定为文件作者的人员。版权所有。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents in effect on the date of publication of this document ( Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document.

本文件受BCP 78和IETF信托在本文件出版之日生效的与IETF文件有关的法律规定的约束( 请仔细阅读这些文件,因为它们描述了您对本文件的权利和限制。

This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF Contributions published or made publicly available before November 10, 2008. The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process. Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other than English.


Table of Contents


   1. Introduction ....................................................2
   2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................2
   3. Terminology .....................................................3
   4. Overview ........................................................3
   5. Features Checklist ..............................................4
   6. MIB Module Usage ................................................5
   7. PW-MPLS-STD-MIB Example .........................................7
   8. Object Definitions ..............................................8
   9. Security Considerations ........................................28
   10. IANA Considerations ...........................................29
   11. References ....................................................29
      11.1. Normative References .....................................29
      11.2. Informative References ...................................30
   1. Introduction ....................................................2
   2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................2
   3. Terminology .....................................................3
   4. Overview ........................................................3
   5. Features Checklist ..............................................4
   6. MIB Module Usage ................................................5
   7. PW-MPLS-STD-MIB Example .........................................7
   8. Object Definitions ..............................................8
   9. Security Considerations ........................................28
   10. IANA Considerations ...........................................29
   11. References ....................................................29
      11.1. Normative References .....................................29
      11.2. Informative References ...................................30
1. Introduction
1. 介绍

This document describes a model for managing pseudowire services for transmission over different flavors of MPLS tunnels. The general PW MIB module [RFC5601] defines the parameters global to the PW regardless of the underlying Packet Switched Network (PSN) and emulated service. This document is applicable for PWs that use MPLS PSN type in the PW-STD-MIB.

本文档描述了一个用于管理伪线服务的模型,用于在不同类型的MPLS隧道上传输。通用PW MIB模块[RFC5601]定义PW的全局参数,而不考虑底层分组交换网络(PSN)和模拟服务。本文件适用于PW-STD-MIB中使用MPLS PSN类型的PW。

This document describes the MIB objects that define pseudowire association to the MPLS PSN, in a way that is not specific to the carried service.

本文档描述了定义与MPLS PSN的伪线关联的MIB对象,其方式不特定于所承载的服务。

Together, [RFC3811] and [RFC3812] describe the modeling of an MPLS tunnel, and a tunnel's underlying cross-connects. This MIB module supports MPLS-TE PSN, non-TE MPLS PSN (an outer tunnel created by the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) or manually), and MPLS PW label only (no outer tunnel).

[RFC3811]和[RFC3812]共同描述了MPLS隧道的建模以及隧道的底层交叉连接。此MIB模块仅支持MPLS-TE PSN、非TE MPLS PSN(由标签分发协议(LDP)或手动创建的外部隧道)和MPLS PW标签(无外部隧道)。

2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework
2. 因特网标准管理框架

For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

有关描述当前互联网标准管理框架的文件的详细概述,请参阅RFC 3410[RFC3410]第7节。

Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB


module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58, RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [RFC2580].

符合SMIv2的模块,如STD 58、RFC 2578[RFC2578]、STD 58、RFC 2579[RFC2579]和STD 58、RFC 2580[RFC2580]所述。

3. Terminology
3. 术语

This document uses terminology from the document describing the PW architecture [RFC3985], [RFC3916], and [RFC4447].


The terms "outbound" and "inbound" in this MIB module are based on the common practice in the MPLS standards; i.e. "outbound" is toward the PSN. However, where these terms are used in an object name, the object description clarifies the exact packet direction to prevent confusion with these terms in other documents.

此MIB模块中的术语“出站”和“入站”基于MPLS标准中的常见实践;i、 e.“出站”指向PSN。但是,如果在对象名称中使用这些术语,则对象描述澄清了确切的数据包方向,以防止与其他文档中的这些术语混淆。

"PSN tunnel" is a general term indicating a virtual connection between the two Pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) edge devices. Each tunnel may potentially carry multiple PWs inside. An MPLS tunnel is within the scope of this document.


This document uses terminology from the document describing the MPLS architecture [RFC3031] for MPLS PSN. A Label Switched Path (LSP) is modeled as described in [RFC3811] and [RFC3812] via a series of cross-connects through one or more Label Switching Routers (LSRs).

本文档使用描述MPLS PSN的MPLS体系结构[RFC3031]的文档中的术语。标签交换路径(LSP)的建模如[RFC3811]和[RFC3812]所述,通过一个或多个标签交换路由器(LSR)的一系列交叉连接。

In MPLS PSN, a PW connection typically uses a PW label within a tunnel label [RFC4447]. Multiple pseudowires each with a unique PW label can share the same tunnel. For PW transport over MPLS, the tunnel label is known as the "outer" label, while the PW label is known as the "inner" label. An exception to this is with adjacent LSRs or the use of a Penultimate Hop Popping (PHP). In this case, there is an option for PWs to connect directly without an outer label.

在MPLS PSN中,PW连接通常在隧道标签内使用PW标签[RFC4447]。具有唯一PW标签的多条伪线可以共享同一通道。对于MPLS上的PW传输,隧道标签称为“外部”标签,而PW标签称为“内部”标签。一个例外是相邻的LSR或使用倒数第二跳弹出(PHP)。在这种情况下,PWs可以选择不使用外部标签直接连接。

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [BCP14].

本文件中的关键词“必须”、“不得”、“要求”、“应”、“不应”、“应”、“不应”、“建议”、“可”和“可选”应按照RFC 2119[BCP14]中所述进行解释。

4. Overview
4. 概述

The MIB module structure for defining a PW service consists of three layers of MIB modules functioning together. This general model is defined in the PWE3 architecture [RFC3985]. The layering model is intended to sufficiently isolate PW services from the underlying PSN layer that carries the emulated service. This is done at the same time as providing a standard means for connecting any supported services to any supported PSNs.


The first layer, known as the service layer, contains service-specific modules. These modules define service-specific management objects that interface or collaborate with existing MIB modules for the native version of the service. The service-specific module "glues" the standard modules to the PWE3 MIB modules.

第一层称为服务层,包含特定于服务的模块。这些模块定义特定于服务的管理对象,这些对象与服务本机版本的现有MIB模块进行接口或协作。特定于服务的模块将标准模块“粘合”到PWE3 MIB模块。

The next layer of the PWE3 MIB structure is the PW MIB module [RFC5601]. This module is used to configure general parameters of PWs that are common to all types of emulated services and PSNs. This layer is connected to the service-specific layer above and the PSN layer below.

PWE3 MIB结构的下一层是PW MIB模块[RFC5601]。此模块用于配置PWs的通用参数,这些参数对于所有类型的仿真服务和PSN都是通用的。该层连接到上面的服务特定层和下面的PSN层。

The PSN layer provides PSN-specific modules for each type of PSN. These modules associate the PW with one or more "tunnels" that carry the service over the PSN. These modules are used to "glue" the PW service to the underlying PSN-specific MIB modules. This document defines the MIB module for PW over MPLS PSN.

PSN层为每种类型的PSN提供特定于PSN的模块。这些模块将PW与通过PSN承载服务的一个或多个“隧道”相关联。这些模块用于将PW服务“粘合”到底层特定于PSN的MIB模块。本文档定义了MPLS PSN上PW的MIB模块。

[RFC5542] defines some of the object types used in these modules.


5. Features Checklist
5. 功能清单

The PW-MPLS-STD-MIB module is designed to satisfy the following requirements and constraints:


- The MIB module supports both manually configured and signaled PWs.

- MIB模块支持手动配置和信号PWs。

- The MIB module supports point-to-point PW connections.

- MIB模块支持点对点PW连接。

- The MIB module enables the use of any emulated service.

- MIB模块支持使用任何模拟服务。

- The MIB module supports MPLS-TE outer tunnel, non-TE MPLS outer tunnel (an outer tunnel signaled by LDP or set up manually), and no outer tunnel (where the PW label is the only label in the MPLS stack). The latter case is applicable for manual configuration of PW over a single hop, as for signaled MPLS PSN even across a single hop there is an MPLS tunnel -- even though the actual packet may not contain the MPLS tunnel label due to PHP.

- MIB模块支持MPLS-TE外部隧道、非TE MPLS外部隧道(由LDP发出信号或手动设置的外部隧道)和无外部隧道(其中PW标签是MPLS堆栈中的唯一标签)。后一种情况适用于在单跳上手动配置PW,因为对于信号MPLS PSN,即使在单跳上,也存在MPLS隧道——即使由于PHP的原因,实际数据包可能不包含MPLS隧道标签。

The MIB module uses Textual Conventions (TCs) from [RFC2578], [RFC2579], [RFC2580], [RFC2863], [RFC3811], [RFC3813], [RFC5542], and [RFC5601].


6. MIB Module Usage
6. MIB模块使用

- The PW table (pwTable) in [RFC5601] is used for all PW types (ATM, FR, Ethernet, SONET, etc.). This table contains high-level generic parameters related to the PW creation. The operator or the agent creates a row for each PW.

- [RFC5601]中的PW表(pwTable)用于所有PW类型(ATM、FR、以太网、SONET等)。此表包含与PW创建相关的高级通用参数。操作员或代理为每个PW创建一行。

- If the selected PSN type in the pwTable is MPLS, the agent creates a row in the MPLS-specific parameters table (pwMplsTable) in this module, which contains MPLS-specific parameters such as EXP bits handling and outer tunnel configuration.

- 如果PWS表中选择的PSN类型是MPLS,则代理程序将在此模块中的MPLS特定参数表(pwMplsTable)中创建一行,其中包含MPLS特定参数,例如EXP位处理和外部隧道配置。

- The operator configures the association to the desired MPLS tunnel (required for MPLS-TE tunnels or for manually configured PWs) through the pwMplsTeOutboundTable. For the LDP-based outer tunnel, there is no need for manual configuration since there is only a single tunnel toward the peer.

- 操作员通过pwMplsTeOutboundTable配置与所需MPLS隧道(MPLS-TE隧道或手动配置的PWs所需)的关联。对于基于LDP的外部隧道,不需要手动配置,因为只有一个通向对等方的隧道。

- The agent creates rows in the MPLS mapping table in order to allow quick retrieval of information based on the tunnel indexes.

- 代理在MPLS映射表中创建行,以便基于隧道索引快速检索信息。

The relation to the MPLS network is by configuration of the edge LSR only -- i.e., the LSR that provides the PW function. Since tunnels are unidirectional, a pair of tunnels MUST exist (one for inbound, one for outbound). Figure 1 depicts a PW that originates and terminates at LSR-M. It uses tunnels A and B formed by cross-connects (XCs) Ax and Bx continuing through LSR-N to LSR-P. The concatenations of XCs create the tunnels. Note: 'X' denotes a tunnel's cross-connect.


                                   Tunnel A
           <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                   Tunnel A
           <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
       +---- (edge) LSR-M ---+   +--------- LSR-N ---------+   + LSR-P
       |---+                 |   |                         |   |
       |   |      XC         |   |           XC            |   |
       +   |  A1 (M<-N) +----+   +----+   A2 (M<-P)   +----+   +----+
       |   |     <------|    |   |    |<--------------|    |   |    |
   <-->| N |PWin  inSeg |MPLS|   |MPLS| outSeg  inSeg |MPLS|   |MPLS|
   N S |   | <---X<-----| IF |   | IF |<------X<------| IF |   | IF |
   A E | S |       |    |<-->|   |    |               |<-->|   |    |
   T R |   | --->X----->|    |   |    |------>X------>|    |   |    |
   I V | P |PWout outSeg|    |   |    | inSeg  outSeg |    |   |    |
   V I |   |     ------>|    |   |    |-------------->|    |   |    |
   E C +   |     XC     +----+   +----+      XC       +----+   +----+
     E |---+  B1 (M->N)      |   |        B2 (M->P)        |   |
       |                     |   |                         |   |
       +---------------------+   +-------------------------+   +-----
       +---- (edge) LSR-M ---+   +--------- LSR-N ---------+   + LSR-P
       |---+                 |   |                         |   |
       |   |      XC         |   |           XC            |   |
       +   |  A1 (M<-N) +----+   +----+   A2 (M<-P)   +----+   +----+
       |   |     <------|    |   |    |<--------------|    |   |    |
   <-->| N |PWin  inSeg |MPLS|   |MPLS| outSeg  inSeg |MPLS|   |MPLS|
   N S |   | <---X<-----| IF |   | IF |<------X<------| IF |   | IF |
   A E | S |       |    |<-->|   |    |               |<-->|   |    |
   T R |   | --->X----->|    |   |    |------>X------>|    |   |    |
   I V | P |PWout outSeg|    |   |    | inSeg  outSeg |    |   |    |
   V I |   |     ------>|    |   |    |-------------->|    |   |    |
   E C +   |     XC     +----+   +----+      XC       +----+   +----+
     E |---+  B1 (M->N)      |   |        B2 (M->P)        |   |
       |                     |   |                         |   |
       +---------------------+   +-------------------------+   +-----
           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->
                                   Tunnel B
           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->
                                   Tunnel B

Figure 1: PW modeling over MPLS


The PW-MPLS-STD-MIB supports three options for an MPLS network:


(1) In the MPLS-TE case, tunnels A and B are created via the MPLS-TE-STD-MIB [RFC3812]. The tunnels are associated (in each peer independently) to the PW by the four indexes that uniquely identify the tunnel at the MPLS-TE-STD-MIB.

(1) 在MPLS-TE情况下,隧道A和B通过MPLS-TE-STD-MIB[RFC3812]创建。隧道通过在MPLS-TE-STD-MIB处唯一标识隧道的四个索引与PW相关联(在每个对等方中独立)。

(2) In the non-TE case, tunnels A1 and B1 are either manually configured or set up with LDP. The tunnels are associated to the PW by the XC index in the MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB [RFC3813].

(2) 在非TE情况下,隧道A1和B1要么手动配置,要么使用LDP设置。隧道通过MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB[RFC3813]中的XC索引与PW相关联。

(3) In the PW-label-only case, there is no outer tunnel on top of the PW label. This case is useful in the case of adjacent Provider Edges (PEs) in manual configuration mode. Note that for signaled tunnels, when LSR-N acts as PHP for the outer tunnel label, there are still entries for the outer tunnel in the relevant MPLS MIB modules, so even for the case of adjacent LSRs, the relevant mode is either MPLS-TE or non-TE.

(3) 在仅PW标签的情况下,PW标签顶部没有外部通道。这种情况在手动配置模式下相邻提供程序边缘(PE)的情况下非常有用。注意,对于信号隧道,当LSR-N充当外部隧道标签的PHP时,在相关MPLS MIB模块中仍然存在外部隧道的条目,因此即使对于相邻LSR的情况,相关模式也是MPLS-TE或非TE。

A combination of MPLS-TE outer tunnel(s) and LDP outer tunnel for the same PW is allowed through the pwMplsOutboundTunnel. The current tunnel that is used to forward traffic is indicated in the object pwMplsOutboundTunnelTypeInUse.


The PW-MPLS-STD-MIB module reports through the inbound table the XC entry in the LDP-STD-MIB [RFC3815] of the PW that was signaled through LDP.


This MIB module assumes that a PW can be associated to one MPLS-TE tunnel at a time. This tunnel may be composed of multiple instances (i.e., LSP), each represented by a separate instance index. The selection of the active LSP out of the possible LSPs in the tunnel is out of the scope of this MIB module as it is part of the MPLS PSN functionality. The current active LSP is reported through this MIB module.

该MIB模块假设一个PW一次可以关联到一个MPLS-TE隧道。该隧道可由多个实例(即LSP)组成,每个实例由单独的实例索引表示。从隧道中可能的LSP中选择活动LSP超出此MIB模块的范围,因为它是MPLS PSN功能的一部分。当前活动LSP通过此MIB模块报告。

It is important to note that inbound (tunnel originated in the remote PE) mapping is not configured or reported through the PW-MPLS-STD-MIB module since the local PE does not know the inbound association between specific PW and MPLS tunnels.


7. PW-MPLS-STD-MIB Example

The following example (supplement the example provided in [RFC5601]) assumes that the node has already established the LDP tunnel to the peer node and that a PW has been configured in the pwTable in [RFC5601] with pwPsnType equal 'mpls'.


The agent creates an entry in pwMplsTable with the following parameters:


pwMplsMplsType mplsNonTe(1), -- LDP tunnel pwMplsExpBitsMode outerTunnel(1), -- Default pwMplsExpBits 0, -- Default pwMplsTtl 2, -- Default pwMplsLocalLdpID, pwMplsLocalLdpEntityIndex 1, pwMplsPeerLdpID, pwMplsStorageType nonVolatile(3)

pwMplsMplsType mplsNonTe(1),--LDP隧道PWMPLSEPITSPMODE outerTunnel(1),--默认PWMPLSEPITS 0,--默认pwMplsTtl 2,--默认PWMPLSOLCallDPID,PWMPLSOLCallDPEntityIndex 1,PWMPLSPerlDPID,PWMPLSStorage Type非易失性(3)

The agent also creates an entry in pwMplsOutboundTable for reporting the mapping of the PW on the LDP tunnel:


pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex 100, - The XC number for the -- LDP tunnel pwMplsOutboundTunnelIndex 0, -- No TE tunnel pwMplsOutboundTunnelInstance 0, -- No TE tunnel pwMplsOutboundTunnelLclLSR 0, -- No TE tunnel pwMplsOutboundTunnelPeerLSR 0, -- No TE tunnel pwMplsOutboundIfIndex 0, -- Not applicable pwMplsOutboundTunnelTypeInUse mplsNonTe(3)


The agent now creates entries for the PW in the following tables:


- pwMplsInboundTable

- pwMplsInboundTable

- pwMplsNonTeMappingTable (2 entries)

- PWMPLSnoneMappingTable(2个条目)

To create an MPLS-TE tunnel to carry this PW, the operator takes the following steps:


- Set pwMplsMplsType in pwMplsTable to both mplsNonTe(1) and mplsTe(0).

- 将pwMplsTable中的pwMplsMplsType设置为mplsNonTe(1)和mplsTe(0)。

- Set pwMplsOutboundTunnelIndex, pwMplsOutboundTunnelInstance, pwMplsOutboundTunnelLclLSR, and pwMplsOutboundTunnelPeerLSR in pwMplsOutboundTable to the MPLS-TE tunnel that will carry this PW.

- 将pwMplsOutboundTunnelIndex、pwMplsOutboundTunnelInstance、PWMPLSOUTBOUNDTUNNELCLLSR和pwMplsOutboundTunnelPeerLSR设置为将承载此PW的MPLS-TE隧道。

The agent will report the tunnel that the PW is currently using through pwMplsOutboundTunnelTypeInUse, and will report the PW to MPLS-TE tunnel/LSP mapping in pwMplsTeMappingTable.


8. Object Definitions
8. 对象定义


从SNMPv2 SMI--[RFC2578]导入模块标识、对象类型、无符号32、mib-2



StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579]

来自SNMPv2 TC的存储类型--[RFC2579]

InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB -- [RFC2863]


MplsTunnelIndex, MplsTunnelInstanceIndex, MplsLdpIdentifier, MplsLsrIdentifier FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB -- [RFC3811]


MplsIndexType FROM MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB -- [RFC3813]


PwIndexType FROM PW-TC-STD-MIB -- [RFC5542]


pwIndex -- [RFC5601] FROM PW-STD-MIB ;


pwMplsStdMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200906120000Z" -- 12 June 2009 00:00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) Working Group." CONTACT-INFO " David Zelig, Editor Email:

PWMPLSTDMIB模块标识最后更新“200906120000Z”-2009年6月12日00:00:00 GMT组织“伪线仿真边到边(PWE3)工作组”。联系方式“David Zelig,编辑电子邮件

Thomas D. Nadeau, Editor Email:


The PWE3 Working Group (email distribution, " DESCRIPTION "This MIB module complements the PW-STD-MIB module for PW operation over MPLS.


Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved.

版权所有(c)2009 IETF信托基金和被确定为代码作者的人员。版权所有。

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:


- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

- 源代码的重新分发必须保留上述版权声明、此条件列表和以下免责声明。

- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

- 以二进制形式重新分发时,必须在分发时提供的文档和/或其他材料中复制上述版权声明、本条件列表和以下免责声明。

- Neither the name of Internet Society, IETF or IETF Trust, nor the names of specific contributors, may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

- 未经事先书面许可,不得使用互联网协会、IETF或IETF Trust的名称或特定贡献者的名称来认可或推广源自本软件的产品。





This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 5602; see the RFC itself for full legal notices. "

此版本的MIB模块是RFC 5602的一部分;有关完整的法律通知,请参见RFC本身。"

-- Revision history. REVISION "200906120000Z" -- 12 June 2009 00:00:00 GMT DESCRIPTION "First published as RFC 5602. "

--修订历史。修订版“200906120000Z”-2009年6月12日00:00:00 GMT描述“首次发布为RFC 5602。”

     ::= { mib-2 181 }
     ::= { mib-2 181 }

-- Top-level components of this MIB.


    -- Notifications
    pwMplsNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                                  ::= { pwMplsStdMIB 0 }
    -- Notifications
    pwMplsNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                                  ::= { pwMplsStdMIB 0 }
   -- Tables, Scalars
   pwMplsObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                                 ::= { pwMplsStdMIB 1 }
   -- Conformance
   pwMplsConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                                 ::= { pwMplsStdMIB 2 }
   -- Tables, Scalars
   pwMplsObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                                 ::= { pwMplsStdMIB 1 }
   -- Conformance
   pwMplsConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                                 ::= { pwMplsStdMIB 2 }

-- PW MPLS table


   pwMplsTable   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF PwMplsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This table controls MPLS-specific parameters when the PW is
           going to be carried over MPLS PSN."
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 1 }
   pwMplsTable   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF PwMplsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This table controls MPLS-specific parameters when the PW is
           going to be carried over MPLS PSN."
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 1 }

pwMplsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PwMplsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

pwMplsEntry对象类型语法pwMplsEntry MAX-ACCESS不可访问

STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in this table represents parameters specific to MPLS PSN for a pseudowire (PW). The row is created automatically by the local agent if the pwPsnType is mpls(1). It is indexed by pwIndex, which uniquely identifies a singular PW. Manual entries in this table SHOULD be preserved after a reboot, and the agent MUST ensure the integrity of those entries. If the set of entries of a specific row were found to be nonconsistent after reboot, the PW pwOperStatus MUST be declared as down(2). Any read-write object in this table MAY be changed at any time; however, change of some objects (for example, pwMplsMplsType) during PW forwarding state MAY cause traffic disruption."

STATUS current DESCRIPTION“此表中的一行表示特定于伪线(PW)的MPLS PSN的参数。如果pwPsnType为MPLS(1),则该行由本地代理自动创建。它由pwIndex索引,pwIndex唯一标识单个PW。重新启动后应保留此表中的手动条目,并且代理必须确保这些条目的完整性。如果重新启动后发现特定行的一组条目不一致,则必须将PW pwOperStatus声明为down(2)。此表中的任何读写对象都可以随时更改;但是,在PW转发状态期间更改某些对象(例如,pwMplsMplsType)可能会导致通信中断。“

INDEX { pwIndex }


         ::= { pwMplsTable 1 }
         ::= { pwMplsTable 1 }
   PwMplsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsMplsType             BITS,
         pwMplsExpBitsMode          INTEGER,
         pwMplsExpBits              Unsigned32,
         pwMplsTtl                  Unsigned32,
         pwMplsLocalLdpID           MplsLdpIdentifier,
         pwMplsLocalLdpEntityIndex  Unsigned32,
         pwMplsPeerLdpID            MplsLdpIdentifier,
         pwMplsStorageType          StorageType
   PwMplsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsMplsType             BITS,
         pwMplsExpBitsMode          INTEGER,
         pwMplsExpBits              Unsigned32,
         pwMplsTtl                  Unsigned32,
         pwMplsLocalLdpID           MplsLdpIdentifier,
         pwMplsLocalLdpEntityIndex  Unsigned32,
         pwMplsPeerLdpID            MplsLdpIdentifier,
         pwMplsStorageType          StorageType
   pwMplsMplsType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX   BITS {
          mplsTe    (0),
          mplsNonTe (1),
          pwOnly    (2)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "This object is set by the operator to indicate the outer
            tunnel types, if existing.  mplsTe(0) is used if the outer
            tunnel is set up by MPLS-TE, and mplsNonTe(1) is used if the
            outer tunnel is set up by LDP or manually.  A combination of
            mplsTe(0) and mplsNonTe(1) MAY exist.
            pwOnly(2) is used if there is no outer tunnel label, i.e.,
   pwMplsMplsType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX   BITS {
          mplsTe    (0),
          mplsNonTe (1),
          pwOnly    (2)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "This object is set by the operator to indicate the outer
            tunnel types, if existing.  mplsTe(0) is used if the outer
            tunnel is set up by MPLS-TE, and mplsNonTe(1) is used if the
            outer tunnel is set up by LDP or manually.  A combination of
            mplsTe(0) and mplsNonTe(1) MAY exist.
            pwOnly(2) is used if there is no outer tunnel label, i.e.,
            in static provisioning without an MPLS tunnel.  pwOnly(2)
            cannot be combined with mplsNonTe(1) or mplsTe(0).
            An implementation that can identify automatically that the
            peer node is directly connected MAY support the bit
            pwOnly(2) as read-only.
      DEFVAL { { mplsNonTe } }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 1 }
            in static provisioning without an MPLS tunnel.  pwOnly(2)
            cannot be combined with mplsNonTe(1) or mplsTe(0).
            An implementation that can identify automatically that the
            peer node is directly connected MAY support the bit
            pwOnly(2) as read-only.
      DEFVAL { { mplsNonTe } }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 1 }
   pwMplsExpBitsMode OBJECT-TYPE
          outerTunnel      (1),
          specifiedValue   (2),
          serviceDependant (3)
   pwMplsExpBitsMode OBJECT-TYPE
          outerTunnel      (1),
          specifiedValue   (2),
          serviceDependant (3)

MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is set by the operator to determine the PW shim label EXP bits. The value of outerTunnel(1) is used where there is an outer tunnel -- pwMplsMplsType equals to mplsTe(0) or mplsNonTe(1). Note that in this case, there is no need to mark the PW label with the EXP bits, since the PW label is not visible to the intermediate nodes. If there is no outer tunnel, specifiedValue(2) SHOULD be used to indicate that the value is specified by pwMplsExpBits. Setting serviceDependant(3) indicates that the EXP bits are set based on a rule that is implementation specific."


      DEFVAL { outerTunnel }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 2 }
      DEFVAL { outerTunnel }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 2 }
   pwMplsExpBits OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..7)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "This object is set by the operator if pwMplsExpBitsMode is
            set to specifiedValue(2) to indicate the MPLS EXP bits to
            be used on the PW shim label.  Otherwise, it SHOULD be set
            to zero."
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 3 }
   pwMplsExpBits OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (0..7)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "This object is set by the operator if pwMplsExpBitsMode is
            set to specifiedValue(2) to indicate the MPLS EXP bits to
            be used on the PW shim label.  Otherwise, it SHOULD be set
            to zero."
      DEFVAL { 0 }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 3 }

pwMplsTtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write


      STATUS        current
           "This object is set by the operator to indicate the PW TTL
            value to be used on the PW shim label."
      DEFVAL { 2 }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 4 }
      STATUS        current
           "This object is set by the operator to indicate the PW TTL
            value to be used on the PW shim label."
      DEFVAL { 2 }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 4 }
   pwMplsLocalLdpID OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLdpIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "The LDP identifier of the LDP entity that creates
            this PW in the local node.  As the PW labels are always
            set from the per-platform label space, the last two octets
            in the LDP ID MUST always both be zeros."
           "'LDP specifications', RFC 3036, section 2.2.2."
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 5 }
   pwMplsLocalLdpID OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLdpIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "The LDP identifier of the LDP entity that creates
            this PW in the local node.  As the PW labels are always
            set from the per-platform label space, the last two octets
            in the LDP ID MUST always both be zeros."
           "'LDP specifications', RFC 3036, section 2.2.2."
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 5 }
   pwMplsLocalLdpEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "The local node LDP Entity Index of the LDP entity creating
            this PW."
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 6 }
   pwMplsLocalLdpEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
           "The local node LDP Entity Index of the LDP entity creating
            this PW."
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 6 }
   pwMplsPeerLdpID OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLdpIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The peer LDP identifier of the LDP session.  This object
            SHOULD return the value zero if LDP is not used or if the
            value is not yet known."
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 7 }
   pwMplsPeerLdpID OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLdpIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
           "The peer LDP identifier of the LDP session.  This object
            SHOULD return the value zero if LDP is not used or if the
            value is not yet known."
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 7 }
   pwMplsStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        StorageType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
          "This variable indicates the storage type for this row."
      DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 8 }
   pwMplsStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        StorageType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
          "This variable indicates the storage type for this row."
      DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
      ::= { pwMplsEntry 8 }

-- End of PW MPLS Table

--PW MPLS表的末尾

-- Pseudowire MPLS Outbound Tunnel Table


   pwMplsOutboundTable   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF PwMplsOutboundEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This table reports and configures the current outbound MPLS
           tunnels (i.e., toward the PSN) or the physical interface in
           the case of a PW label only that carries the PW traffic.  It
           also reports the current outer tunnel and LSP that forward
           the PW traffic."
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 2 }
   pwMplsOutboundTable   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF PwMplsOutboundEntry
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This table reports and configures the current outbound MPLS
           tunnels (i.e., toward the PSN) or the physical interface in
           the case of a PW label only that carries the PW traffic.  It
           also reports the current outer tunnel and LSP that forward
           the PW traffic."
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 2 }

pwMplsOutboundEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PwMplsOutboundEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in this table configures the outer tunnel used for carrying the PW traffic toward the PSN. In the case of PW label only, it configures the interface that will carry the PW traffic.

pwMplsOutboundEntry对象类型语法pwMplsOutboundEntry MAX-ACCESS not ACCESS STATUS current DESCRIPTION“此表中的一行配置用于向PSN承载PW流量的外部隧道。仅在PW标签的情况下,它配置将承载PW流量的接口。

An entry in this table augments the pwMplsEntry, and is created automatically when the corresponding row has been created by the agent in the pwMplsEntry.


This table points to the appropriate MPLS MIB module:

此表指向相应的MPLS MIB模块:

In the MPLS-TE case, the three objects relevant to the indexing of a TE tunnel head-end (as used in the MPLS-TE-STD-MIB) are to be configured, and the tunnel instance indicates the LSP that is currently in use for forwarding the traffic.


In the case of signaled non-TE MPLS (an outer tunnel label assigned by LDP), the table points to the XC entry in the LSR-STD-MIB. If the non-TE MPLS tunnel is manually configured, the operator configures the XC pointer to this tunnel.

在有信号的非TE MPLS(LDP分配的外部隧道标签)的情况下,该表指向LSR-STD-MIB中的XC条目。如果手动配置非TE MPLS隧道,则操作员配置指向此隧道的XC指针。

In the case of PW label only (no outer tunnel), the ifIndex of the port to carry the PW is configured here.


It is possible to associate a PW to one TE tunnel head-end and a non-TE tunnel together. An indication in this table will report the currently active one. In addition, in the TE case, the table reports the active tunnel instance (i.e., the specific LSP in use). Any read-write object in this table MAY be changed at any time; however, change of some objects (for example, MPLS-TE indexes) during PW forwarding state MAY cause traffic disruption."


AUGMENTS { pwMplsEntry }


         ::= { pwMplsOutboundTable 1 }
         ::= { pwMplsOutboundTable 1 }
   PwMplsOutboundEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex           MplsIndexType,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelIndex          MplsTunnelIndex,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelInstance       MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelLclLSR         MplsLsrIdentifier,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelPeerLSR        MplsLsrIdentifier,
         pwMplsOutboundIfIndex              InterfaceIndexOrZero,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelTypeInUse      INTEGER
   PwMplsOutboundEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex           MplsIndexType,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelIndex          MplsTunnelIndex,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelInstance       MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelLclLSR         MplsLsrIdentifier,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelPeerLSR        MplsLsrIdentifier,
         pwMplsOutboundIfIndex              InterfaceIndexOrZero,
         pwMplsOutboundTunnelTypeInUse      INTEGER
   pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex      OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsNonTe(1)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise.
           If the outer tunnel is signaled, the object is read-only
           and indicates the XC index in the MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB of the
           outer tunnel toward the peer.  Otherwise (tunnel is set up
           manually), the operator defines the XC index of the manually
           created outer tunnel through this object.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry 1 }
   pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex      OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsNonTe(1)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise.
           If the outer tunnel is signaled, the object is read-only
           and indicates the XC index in the MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB of the
           outer tunnel toward the peer.  Otherwise (tunnel is set up
           manually), the operator defines the XC index of the manually
           created outer tunnel through this object.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry 1 }

pwMplsOutboundTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsTunnelIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsTe(0) bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise. It is part of the set of indexes for the outbound tunnel.

PWMPLSOUTBOUNDTUNNELINEDEX对象类型语法MplsTunnelIndex MAX-ACCESS读写状态当前描述“如果设置了pwMplsMplsType mplsTe(0)位,则此对象适用,否则必须返回零值。它是出站隧道索引集的一部分。

           The operator sets this object to represent the desired
           tunnel head-end toward the peer for carrying the PW
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry  2 }
           The operator sets this object to represent the desired
           tunnel head-end toward the peer for carrying the PW
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry  2 }
   pwMplsOutboundTunnelInstance      OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelInstanceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsTe(0)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise.
           It indicates the actual tunnel instance that is currently
           active and carrying the PW traffic.  It SHOULD return the
           value zero if the information from the MPLS-TE
           application is not yet known.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   3 }
   pwMplsOutboundTunnelInstance      OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelInstanceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsTe(0)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise.
           It indicates the actual tunnel instance that is currently
           active and carrying the PW traffic.  It SHOULD return the
           value zero if the information from the MPLS-TE
           application is not yet known.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   3 }
   pwMplsOutboundTunnelLclLSR        OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLsrIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsTe(0)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of all zeros otherwise.
           It is part of the set of indexes for the outbound tunnel.
           The operator sets this object to represent the desired
           tunnel head-end toward the peer for carrying the PW
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   4 }
   pwMplsOutboundTunnelLclLSR        OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLsrIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsTe(0)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of all zeros otherwise.
           It is part of the set of indexes for the outbound tunnel.
           The operator sets this object to represent the desired
           tunnel head-end toward the peer for carrying the PW
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   4 }
   pwMplsOutboundTunnelPeerLSR       OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLsrIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsTe(0)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise.
           It is part of the set of indexes for the outbound tunnel.
           Note that in most cases, it equals to pwPeerAddr.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   5 }
   pwMplsOutboundTunnelPeerLSR       OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLsrIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    read-write
      STATUS        current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType mplsTe(0)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise.
           It is part of the set of indexes for the outbound tunnel.
           Note that in most cases, it equals to pwPeerAddr.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   5 }

pwMplsOutboundIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero


      MAX-ACCESS     read-write
      STATUS         current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType pwOnly(0)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise.
           The operator configures the ifIndex of the outbound port
           in this case.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   6 }
      MAX-ACCESS     read-write
      STATUS         current
          "This object is applicable if the pwMplsMplsType pwOnly(0)
           bit is set, and MUST return a value of zero otherwise.
           The operator configures the ifIndex of the outbound port
           in this case.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   6 }
   pwMplsOutboundTunnelTypeInUse OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         INTEGER {
                     notYetKnown (1),
                     mplsTe      (2),
                     mplsNonTe   (3),
                     pwOnly      (4)
      MAX-ACCESS     read-only
      STATUS         current
          "This object indicates the current tunnel that is carrying
           the PW traffic.
           The value of notYetKnown(1) should be used if the agent is
           currently unable to determine which tunnel or interface is
           carrying the PW, for example, because both tunnels are in
           operational status down.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   7 }
   pwMplsOutboundTunnelTypeInUse OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         INTEGER {
                     notYetKnown (1),
                     mplsTe      (2),
                     mplsNonTe   (3),
                     pwOnly      (4)
      MAX-ACCESS     read-only
      STATUS         current
          "This object indicates the current tunnel that is carrying
           the PW traffic.
           The value of notYetKnown(1) should be used if the agent is
           currently unable to determine which tunnel or interface is
           carrying the PW, for example, because both tunnels are in
           operational status down.
      ::= { pwMplsOutboundEntry   7 }

-- End of PW MPLS Outbound Tunnel table

--PW MPLS出站隧道表结束

-- PW MPLS inbound table

--PW MPLS入站表

   pwMplsInboundTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF PwMplsInboundEntry
      MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
      STATUS           current
          "This table indicates the PW LDP XC entry in the
           MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB for signaled PWs.
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 3 }
   pwMplsInboundTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF PwMplsInboundEntry
      MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
      STATUS           current
          "This table indicates the PW LDP XC entry in the
           MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB for signaled PWs.
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 3 }

pwMplsInboundEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PwMplsInboundEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION

pwMplsInboundEntry对象类型语法pwMplsInboundEntry MAX-ACCESS不可访问状态当前描述

"A row in this table is created by the agent for each signaled PW, and shows the XC index related to the PW signaling in the inbound direction in the MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB that controls and display the information for all the LDP signaling processes in the local node. " INDEX { pwIndex }


         ::= { pwMplsInboundTable 1 }
         ::= { pwMplsInboundTable 1 }
   PwMplsInboundEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsInboundXcIndex           MplsIndexType
   PwMplsInboundEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsInboundXcIndex           MplsIndexType
   pwMplsInboundXcIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The XC index representing this PW in the inbound
           direction.  It MUST return the value zero if the
           information is not yet known."
      ::= { pwMplsInboundEntry 1 }
   pwMplsInboundXcIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The XC index representing this PW in the inbound
           direction.  It MUST return the value zero if the
           information is not yet known."
      ::= { pwMplsInboundEntry 1 }

-- End of PW MPLS inbound table

--PW MPLS入站表的结束

-- PW to Non-TE mapping Table.


   pwMplsNonTeMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF PwMplsNonTeMappingEntry
      MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
      STATUS           current
          "This table indicates the PW association to the outbound
           tunnel in non-TE applications, maps the PW to its (inbound)
           XC entry, and indicates the PW-to-physical interface mapping
           for a PW without an outer tunnel.
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 4 }
   pwMplsNonTeMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF PwMplsNonTeMappingEntry
      MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
      STATUS           current
          "This table indicates the PW association to the outbound
           tunnel in non-TE applications, maps the PW to its (inbound)
           XC entry, and indicates the PW-to-physical interface mapping
           for a PW without an outer tunnel.
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 4 }

pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PwMplsNonTeMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in this table displays the association between the PW and - its non-TE MPLS outbound outer tunnel,

PWMPLSNNetemappingEntry对象类型语法PWMPLSNNetemappingEntry MAX-ACCESS不可访问状态当前描述“此表中的一行显示PW与其非TE MPLS出站外部隧道之间的关联,

- its XC entry in the MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB, or - its physical interface if there is no outer tunnel (PW label only) and manual configuration.

- 它在MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB中的XC条目,或者-如果没有外部隧道(仅PW标签)和手动配置,它的物理接口。

Rows are created in this table by the agent depending on the setting of pwMplsMplsType:


- If the pwMplsMplsType mplsNonTe(1) bit is set, the agent creates a row for the outbound direction (pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection set to psnBound(1)). The pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex holds the XC index in the MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB of the PSN-bound outer tunnel. pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex MUST be zero for this row.

- 如果设置了pwMplsMplsType mplsNonTe(1)位,则代理将为出站方向创建一行(pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection设置为psnBound(1))。pWMPLSNntemappingXCIndex保存绑定PSN的外部隧道的MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB中的XC索引。对于此行,pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex必须为零。

- If the pwMplsMplsType pwOnly(2) bit is set, the agent creates a row for the outbound direction (pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection set to psnBound(1)). The pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex holds the ifIndex of the physical port this PW will use in the outbound direction. pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex MUST be zero for this row.

- 如果设置了pwMplsMplsType pwOnly(2)位,则代理将为出站方向创建一行(pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection设置为psnBound(1))。PWMPlsNontemappingiIndex保存此PW将在出站方向使用的物理端口的iIndex。对于此行,pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex必须为零。

- If the PW has been set up by a signaling protocol (i.e., pwOwner equal pwIdFecSignaling(2) or genFecSignaling(3)), the agent creates a row for the inbound direction (pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection set to fromPsn(2)). The pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex holds the XC index in the MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB of the PW LDP-generated XC entry. pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex MUST be zero for this row.

- 如果PW已通过信令协议(即pwOwner equal pwIdFecSignaling(2)或genFecSignaling(3))设置,则代理会为入站方向创建一行(pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection设置为fromPsn(2))。PWMPLSNNetemappingXCIndex保存PW LDP生成的XC条目的MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB中的XC索引。对于此行,pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex必须为零。

An application can use this table to quickly retrieve the PW carried over specific non-TE MPLS outer tunnel or physical interface. "

应用程序可以使用此表快速检索通过特定非TE MPLS外部隧道或物理接口携带的PW。"

INDEX { pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection, pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex, pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex, pwMplsNonTeMappingPwIndex }


         ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingTable 1 }
         ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingTable 1 }
   PwMplsNonTeMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection         INTEGER,
         pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex           MplsIndexType,
         pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex           InterfaceIndexOrZero,
         pwMplsNonTeMappingPwIndex           PwIndexType
   PwMplsNonTeMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection         INTEGER,
         pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex           MplsIndexType,
         pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex           InterfaceIndexOrZero,
         pwMplsNonTeMappingPwIndex           PwIndexType
   pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                    psnBound (1),
                    fromPsn  (2)
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "Index for the conceptual XC row identifying the tunnel-to-PW
           mappings, indicating the direction of the packet flow for
           this entry.
           psnBound(1) indicates that the entry is related to
           packets toward the PSN.
           fromPsn(2) indicates that the entry is related to
           packets coming from the PSN.
      ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry 1 }
   pwMplsNonTeMappingDirection OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                    psnBound (1),
                    fromPsn  (2)
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "Index for the conceptual XC row identifying the tunnel-to-PW
           mappings, indicating the direction of the packet flow for
           this entry.
           psnBound(1) indicates that the entry is related to
           packets toward the PSN.
           fromPsn(2) indicates that the entry is related to
           packets coming from the PSN.
      ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry 1 }
   pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "See the description clause of pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry for
           the usage guidelines of this object."
      ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry 2 }
   pwMplsNonTeMappingXcIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "See the description clause of pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry for
           the usage guidelines of this object."
      ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry 2 }
   pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "See the description clause of pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry for
           the usage guidelines of this object."
      ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry 3 }
   pwMplsNonTeMappingIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        InterfaceIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "See the description clause of pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry for
           the usage guidelines of this object."
      ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry 3 }
   pwMplsNonTeMappingPwIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        PwIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The value that represents the PW in the pwTable."
      ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry 4 }
   pwMplsNonTeMappingPwIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        PwIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "The value that represents the PW in the pwTable."
      ::= { pwMplsNonTeMappingEntry 4 }

-- End of PW to Non-TE mapping Table.


-- PW to TE MPLS tunnels mapping Table.

--PW至TE MPLS隧道映射表。

   pwMplsTeMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF PwMplsTeMappingEntry
      MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
      STATUS           current
          "This table reports the PW association to the
           outbound MPLS tunnel for MPLS-TE applications."
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 5 }
   pwMplsTeMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF PwMplsTeMappingEntry
      MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
      STATUS           current
          "This table reports the PW association to the
           outbound MPLS tunnel for MPLS-TE applications."
      ::= { pwMplsObjects 5 }

pwMplsTeMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PwMplsTeMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in this table represents the association between a PW and its MPLS-TE outer (head-end) tunnel.

pwMplsTeMappingEntry对象类型语法pwMplsTeMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not ACCESS STATUS current DESCRIPTION“此表中的一行表示PW与其MPLS-TE外部(前端)隧道之间的关联。

An application can use this table to quickly retrieve the list of the PWs that are configured on a specific MPLS-TE outer tunnel.


The pwMplsTeMappingTunnelInstance reports the actual LSP out of the tunnel head-end that is currently forwarding the traffic.


The table is indexed by the head-end indexes of a TE tunnel and the PW index. "


INDEX { pwMplsTeMappingTunnelIndex, pwMplsTeMappingTunnelInstance, pwMplsTeMappingTunnelPeerLsrID, pwMplsTeMappingTunnelLocalLsrID, pwMplsTeMappingPwIndex }


         ::= { pwMplsTeMappingTable 1 }
         ::= { pwMplsTeMappingTable 1 }
   PwMplsTeMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsTeMappingTunnelIndex       MplsTunnelIndex,
         pwMplsTeMappingTunnelInstance    MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
         pwMplsTeMappingTunnelPeerLsrID   MplsLsrIdentifier,
         pwMplsTeMappingTunnelLocalLsrID  MplsLsrIdentifier,
         pwMplsTeMappingPwIndex           PwIndexType
   PwMplsTeMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         pwMplsTeMappingTunnelIndex       MplsTunnelIndex,
         pwMplsTeMappingTunnelInstance    MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
         pwMplsTeMappingTunnelPeerLsrID   MplsLsrIdentifier,
         pwMplsTeMappingTunnelLocalLsrID  MplsLsrIdentifier,
         pwMplsTeMappingPwIndex           PwIndexType
   pwMplsTeMappingTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "Primary index for the conceptual row identifying the
           MPLS-TE tunnel that is carrying the PW traffic."
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 1 }
   pwMplsTeMappingTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "Primary index for the conceptual row identifying the
           MPLS-TE tunnel that is carrying the PW traffic."
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 1 }
   pwMplsTeMappingTunnelInstance OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelInstanceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This object identifies the MPLS-TE LSP that is carrying the
           PW traffic.  It MUST return the value zero if the
           information of the specific LSP is not yet known.
           Note that based on the recommendation in the
           MPLS-TC-STD-MIB, instance index 0 should refer to the
           configured tunnel interface."
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 2 }
   pwMplsTeMappingTunnelInstance OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsTunnelInstanceIndex
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This object identifies the MPLS-TE LSP that is carrying the
           PW traffic.  It MUST return the value zero if the
           information of the specific LSP is not yet known.
           Note that based on the recommendation in the
           MPLS-TC-STD-MIB, instance index 0 should refer to the
           configured tunnel interface."
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 2 }
   pwMplsTeMappingTunnelPeerLsrID  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLsrIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This object identifies the peer LSR when the outer tunnel
           is MPLS-TE."
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 3 }
   pwMplsTeMappingTunnelPeerLsrID  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLsrIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This object identifies the peer LSR when the outer tunnel
           is MPLS-TE."
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 3 }
   pwMplsTeMappingTunnelLocalLsrID  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLsrIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This object identifies the local LSR."
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 4 }
   pwMplsTeMappingTunnelLocalLsrID  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        MplsLsrIdentifier
      MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
      STATUS        current
          "This object identifies the local LSR."
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 4 }
   pwMplsTeMappingPwIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        PwIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This object returns the value that represents the PW in the
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 5 }
   pwMplsTeMappingPwIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        PwIndexType
      MAX-ACCESS    read-only
      STATUS        current
          "This object returns the value that represents the PW in the
      ::= { pwMplsTeMappingEntry 5 }

-- End of PW to TE MPLS tunnels mapping Table.

--PW到TE MPLS隧道映射表的末尾。

-- conformance information


   pwMplsGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pwMplsConformance 1 }
   pwMplsCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pwMplsConformance 2 }
   pwMplsGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pwMplsConformance 1 }
   pwMplsCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pwMplsConformance 2 }

-- Compliance requirement for fully compliant implementations.


pwMplsModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for agents that provide full support for the PW-MPLS-STD-MIB module. Such devices can then be monitored and also be configured using this MIB module."

pwMplsModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION“为PW-MPLS-STD-MIB模块提供完全支持的代理的符合性声明。然后可以使用此MIB模块监控和配置此类设备。”

MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { pwMplsGroup, pwMplsOutboundMainGroup, pwMplsInboundGroup, pwMplsMappingGroup }


GROUP pwMplsOutboundTeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group MUST be supported if the implementation allows MPLS-TE tunnels to carry PW traffic. "

GROUP pwMplsOutboundTeGroup DESCRIPTION“如果实现允许MPLS-TE隧道承载PW流量,则必须支持此组。”

OBJECT pwMplsMplsType DESCRIPTION "Support of pwOnly(2) is not required. At least one of mplsTe(0) or mplsNonTe(1) MUST be supported if signaling of PW is supported. "

对象pwMplsMplsType DESCRIPTION“不需要仅支持PW(2)。如果支持PW的信令,则必须至少支持mplsTe(0)或mplsNonTe(1)中的一个。”

OBJECT pwMplsExpBitsMode DESCRIPTION "Support of specifiedValue(2) and serviceDependant(3) is optional. "

对象pwMplsExpBitsMode DESCRIPTION“对指定值(2)和服务依赖项(3)的支持是可选的。”

OBJECT pwMplsLocalLdpID MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "A read-write access is required if the implementation supports more than one LDP entity identifier for PW signaling. "

对象pwMplsLocalLdpID MIN-ACCESS只读描述“如果实现支持PW信令的多个LDP实体标识符,则需要读写访问。”

OBJECT pwMplsLocalLdpEntityIndex


MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "A read-write access is required if the implementation supports more than one LDP entity index for PW signaling. "


OBJECT pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "A value other than zero MUST be supported if the implementation supports non-TE signaling of the outer tunnel. A read-write access MUST be supported if the implementation supports PW label manual setting and carrying them over non-TE tunnels. "

对象pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex MIN-ACCESS只读说明“如果实现支持外部隧道的非TE信令,则必须支持零以外的值。如果实现支持PW标签手动设置并通过非TE隧道传输,则必须支持读写访问。”

      OBJECT       pwMplsOutboundIfIndex
      MIN-ACCESS   read-only
      DESCRIPTION "A value other than zero and read-write operations
                   MUST be supported if the implementation supports
                   manually configured PW without MPLS outer tunnel.
       ::= { pwMplsCompliances 1 }
      OBJECT       pwMplsOutboundIfIndex
      MIN-ACCESS   read-only
      DESCRIPTION "A value other than zero and read-write operations
                   MUST be supported if the implementation supports
                   manually configured PW without MPLS outer tunnel.
       ::= { pwMplsCompliances 1 }

-- Compliance requirement for Read Only compliant implementations.


pwMplsModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for agents that provide read-only support for the PW-MPLS-STD-MIB module. Such devices can then be monitored but cannot be configured using this MIB module."

PWMPLSMODULREADONLYCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION“为PW-MPLS-STD-MIB模块提供只读支持的代理的符合性声明。然后可以监视此类设备,但不能使用此MIB模块进行配置。”

MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { pwMplsGroup, pwMplsOutboundMainGroup, pwMplsInboundGroup, pwMplsMappingGroup }


GROUP pwMplsOutboundTeGroup DESCRIPTION "This group MUST be supported if the implementation allows MPLS-TE tunnels to carry PW traffic. "

GROUP pwMplsOutboundTeGroup DESCRIPTION“如果实现允许MPLS-TE隧道承载PW流量,则必须支持此组。”

OBJECT pwMplsMplsType MIN-ACCESS read-only

对象pwMplsMplsType MIN-ACCESS只读

DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. Support of pwOnly(2) is not required. At least one of mplsTe(0) or mplsNonTe(1) MUST be supported if signaling of PW is supported. "


OBJECT pwMplsExpBitsMode MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. Support of specifiedValue(2) and serviceDependant(3) is optional. " OBJECT pwMplsExpBits MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. " OBJECT pwMplsTtl MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. "

对象pwMplsExpBitsMode MIN-ACCESS只读说明“不需要写访问。支持指定的值(2)和服务依赖项(3)是可选的。”对象pwMplsExpBits MIN-ACCESS只读说明“不需要写访问”。对象pwMplsTtl MIN-ACCESS只读说明“不需要写访问”

OBJECT pwMplsLocalLdpID MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. "


OBJECT pwMplsLocalLdpEntityIndex MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. "


OBJECT pwMplsStorageType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. "

对象PWMPLSStorage Type最小访问只读描述“不需要写访问。”

OBJECT pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. A value other than zero MUST be supported if the implementation supports non-TE signaling of the outer tunnel. "

对象pwMplsOutboundLsrXcIndex MIN-ACCESS只读说明“不需要写访问。如果实现支持外部隧道的非TE信令,则必须支持零以外的值。”

OBJECT pwMplsOutboundTunnelIndex MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. "

对象pwMplsOutboundTunnelIndex MIN-ACCESS只读说明“不需要写访问。”

OBJECT pwMplsOutboundTunnelLclLSR MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. "


OBJECT pwMplsOutboundTunnelPeerLSR MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. "


      OBJECT       pwMplsOutboundIfIndex
      MIN-ACCESS   read-only
      DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required.
                   A value other than zero MUST be supported if the
                   implementation supports manually configured PW
                   without MPLS outer tunnel.
       ::= { pwMplsCompliances 2 }
      OBJECT       pwMplsOutboundIfIndex
      MIN-ACCESS   read-only
      DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required.
                   A value other than zero MUST be supported if the
                   implementation supports manually configured PW
                   without MPLS outer tunnel.
       ::= { pwMplsCompliances 2 }

-- Units of conformance.


   pwMplsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
   pwMplsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for PW over MPLS PSN
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 1 }
      STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for PW over MPLS PSN
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 1 }
   pwMplsOutboundMainGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
   pwMplsOutboundMainGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {



          "Collection of objects needed for outbound association of
           PW and MPLS tunnel."
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 2 }
          "Collection of objects needed for outbound association of
           PW and MPLS tunnel."
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 2 }
   pwMplsOutboundTeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
   pwMplsOutboundTeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for outbound association of
           PW and MPLS-TE tunnel."
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 3 }
      STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for outbound association of
           PW and MPLS-TE tunnel."
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 3 }
   pwMplsInboundGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
   pwMplsInboundGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for inbound PW presentation.
           This group MUST be supported if PW signaling through LDP is
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 4 }
      STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for inbound PW presentation.
           This group MUST be supported if PW signaling through LDP is
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 4 }
   pwMplsMappingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
   pwMplsMappingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for mapping association of
           PW and MPLS tunnel."
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 5 }
      STATUS  current
          "Collection of objects needed for mapping association of
           PW and MPLS tunnel."
      ::= { pwMplsGroups 5 }



9. Security Considerations
9. 安全考虑

It is clear that this MIB module is potentially useful for monitoring PW-capable PEs. This MIB module can also be used for configuration of certain objects, and anything that can be configured can be incorrectly configured, with potentially disastrous results.


There are number of management objects defined in this MIB module with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. These are the tables and objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability:


o the pwMplsTable, pwMplsNonTeMappingTable and pwMplsTeMappingTable collectively contain objects to provision PW over MPLS tunnels. Unauthorized access to objects in these tables, could result in disruption of traffic on the network. The use of stronger mechanisms such as SNMPv3 security should be considered where possible. Specifically, SNMPv3 VACM and USM MUST be used with any v3 agent which implements this MIB module. Administrators should consider whether read access to these objects should be allowed, since read access may be undesirable under certain circumstances.

o pwMplsTable、pwMplsNonTeMappingTable和pwMplsTeMappingTable共同包含通过MPLS隧道提供PW的对象。未经授权访问这些表中的对象可能会导致网络流量中断。在可能的情况下,应考虑使用更强的机制,如SNMPv3安全性。具体来说,SNMPv3 VACM和USM必须与实现此MIB模块的任何v3代理一起使用。管理员应该考虑是否应该允许对这些对象的读访问,因为在某些情况下读访问可能是不可取的。

Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over the network via SNMP. These are the tables and objects and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

在某些网络环境中,此MIB模块中的某些可读对象(即具有MAX-ACCESS而非not ACCESS的对象)可能被视为敏感或易受攻击。因此,在通过SNMP通过网络发送这些对象时,控制甚至获取和/或通知对这些对象的访问,甚至可能加密这些对象的值,这一点非常重要。以下是表和对象及其敏感度/漏洞:

o the pwMplsTable, pwMplsNonTeMappingTable, pwMplsTeMappingTable and pwMplsOutboundTable collectively show the PW over MPLS association. If an Administrator does not want to reveal this information, then these tables should be considered sensitive/ vulnerable.

o pwMplsTable、pwMplsNonTeMappingTable、pwMplsTeMappingTable和PWMPLSOUTBOUNDBOUNDTABLE共同显示PW-over-MPLS关联。如果管理员不想透露此信息,则应将这些表视为敏感/易受攻击。

SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security. Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec), even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this MIB module.


It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8), including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for authentication and privacy).


Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT RECOMMENDED. Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to enable cryptographic security. It is then a customer/operator responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an instance of this MIB module, is properly configured to give access to the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.


10. IANA Considerations
10. IANA考虑

The MIB module in this document uses the following IANA-assigned OBJECT IDENTIFIER values recorded in the SMI Numbers registry:


      Descriptor        OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
      ----------        -----------------------
      Descriptor        OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
      ----------        -----------------------

pwMplsStdMIB { mib-2 181 }

PWMPLSTDMIB{mib-2 181}

11. References
11. 工具书类
11.1. Normative References
11.1. 规范性引用文件

[BCP14] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[BCP14]Bradner,S.,“RFC中用于表示需求水平的关键词”,BCP 14,RFC 2119,1997年3月。

[RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

[RFC2578]McCloghrie,K.,Perkins,D.,和J.Schoenwaeld,“管理信息的结构版本2(SMIv2)”,STD 58,RFC 2578,1999年4月。

[RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

[RFC2579]McCloghrie,K.,Perkins,D.,和J.Schoenwaeld,“SMIv2的文本约定”,STD 58,RFC 2579,1999年4月。

[RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.

[RFC2580]McCloghrie,K.,Perkins,D.,和J.Schoenwaeld,“SMIv2的一致性声明”,STD 58,RFC 25801999年4月。

[RFC2863] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

[RFC2863]McCloghrie,K.和F.Kastenholz,“接口组MIB”,RFC 28632000年6月。

[RFC3031] Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A., and R. Callon, "Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture", RFC 3031, January 2001.

[RFC3031]Rosen,E.,Viswanathan,A.,和R.Callon,“多协议标签交换体系结构”,RFC 30312001年1月。

[RFC3811] Nadeau, T., Ed., and J. Cucchiara, Ed., "Definitions of Textual Conventions (TCs) for Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Management", RFC 3811, June 2004.

[RFC3811]Nadeau,T.,Ed.,和J.Cucchiara,Ed.,“多协议标签交换(MPLS)管理的文本约定(TC)定义”,RFC 3811,2004年6月。

[RFC3812] Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau, "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering (TE) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 3812, June 2004.

[RFC3812]Srinivasan,C.,Viswanathan,A.,和T.Nadeau,“多协议标签交换(MPLS)流量工程(TE)管理信息库(MIB)”,RFC 3812,2004年6月。

[RFC3813] Srinivasan, C., Viswanathan, A., and T. Nadeau, "Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switching Router (LSR) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 3813, June 2004.

[RFC3813]Srinivasan,C.,Viswanathan,A.,和T.Nadeau,“多协议标签交换(MPLS)标签交换路由器(LSR)管理信息库(MIB)”,RFC 38132004年6月。

[RFC4447] Martini, L., Ed., Rosen, E., El-Aawar, N., Smith, T., and G. Heron, "Pseudowire Setup and Maintenance Using the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)", RFC 4447, April 2006.

[RFC4447]Martini,L.,Ed.,Rosen,E.,El Aawar,N.,Smith,T.,和G.Heron,“使用标签分发协议(LDP)的伪线设置和维护”,RFC 4447,2006年4月。

[RFC5542] Nadeau, T., Ed., Zelig, D., Ed., and O. Nicklass, Ed., "Definitions of Textual Conventions for Pseudowire (PW) Management", RFC 5542, May 2009.

[RFC5542]Nadeau,T.,Ed.,Zelig,D.,Ed.,和O.Nicklass,Ed.,“伪线(PW)管理文本约定的定义”,RFC 5542,2009年5月。

[RFC5601] Nadeau, T., Ed. and D. Zelig, Ed. "Pseudowire (PW) Management Information Base (MIB)", RFC 5601, July 2009.

[RFC5601]Nadeau,T.,Ed.和D.Zelig,Ed.“伪线路(PW)管理信息库(MIB)”,RFC 56012009年7月。

11.2. Informative References
11.2. 资料性引用

[RFC3410] Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart, "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

[RFC3410]Case,J.,Mundy,R.,Partain,D.,和B.Stewart,“互联网标准管理框架的介绍和适用性声明”,RFC 34102002年12月。

[RFC3815] Cucchiara, J., Sjostrand, H., and J. Luciani, "Definitions of Managed Objects for the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)", RFC 3815, June 2004.

[RFC3815]Cucchiara,J.,Sjostrand,H.,和J.Luciani,“多协议标签交换(MPLS)管理对象的定义,标签分发协议(LDP)”,RFC 3815,2004年6月。

[RFC3916] Xiao, X., Ed., McPherson, D., Ed., and P. Pate, Ed., "Requirements for Pseudo-Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3)", RFC 3916, September 2004.

[RFC3916]Xiao,X.,Ed.,McPherson,D.,Ed.,和P.Pate,Ed.,“伪线仿真边到边(PWE3)的要求”,RFC 39162004年9月。

[RFC3985] Bryant, S., Ed., and P. Pate, Ed., "Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) Architecture", RFC 3985, March 2005.

[RFC3985]Bryant,S.,Ed.,和P.Pate,Ed.,“伪线仿真边到边(PWE3)架构”,RFC 39852005年3月。

Authors' Addresses


David Zelig (editor) Oversi Networks 1 Rishon Letzion St. Petah Tikva Israel

David Zelig(编辑)Oversi Networks 1 Rishon Letzion St.Petah Tikva以色列

   Phone: +972 77 3337 750
   Phone: +972 77 3337 750

Thomas D. Nadeau (editor) BT BT Centre 81 Newgate Street London EC1A 7AJ United Kingdom

Thomas D.Nadeau(编辑)英国电信中心伦敦纽盖特街81号EC1A 7AJ英国电信中心
