Network Working Group                                         R. Housley
Request for Comments: 4705                                Vigil Security
Category: Informational                                         A. Corry
                                                            October 2006
Network Working Group                                         R. Housley
Request for Comments: 4705                                Vigil Security
Category: Informational                                         A. Corry
                                                            October 2006

GigaBeam High-Speed Radio Link Encryption


Status of This Memo


This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).




This document describes the encryption and key management used by GigaBeam as part of the WiFiber(tm) family of radio link products. The security solution is documented in the hope that other wireless product development efforts will include comparable capabilities.


1. Introduction
1. 介绍

The GigaBeam WiFiber(tm) product family provides a high-speed point-to-point radio link. Data rates exceed 1 gigabit/second at a distance of about a mile. The transmission beam width is less than one degree, which means that attempts to intercept the signal are most successful when the attacker is either between the transmitter and receiver or the attacker is directly behind the receiver. Since interception is possible, some customers require confidentiality and integrity protection for the data on the radio link. This document describes the security solution designed and deployed by GigaBeam to provide these security services.

GigaBeam WiFiber(tm)产品系列提供高速点对点无线链路。在大约一英里的距离内,数据速率超过1千兆位/秒。传输波束宽度小于1度,这意味着当攻击者位于发射器和接收器之间或攻击者位于接收器正后方时,拦截信号的尝试最为成功。由于可以进行拦截,一些客户要求对无线链路上的数据进行保密和完整性保护。本文档描述了GigaBeam为提供这些安全服务而设计和部署的安全解决方案。

The GigaBeam security solution employs:


o AES-GCM [GCM] with a custom security protocol specified in this document to provide confidentiality and integrity protection of subscriber traffic on the radio link;

o AES-GCM[GCM],具有本文件规定的自定义安全协议,以提供无线链路上用户流量的机密性和完整性保护;

o AES-CBC [CBC] and HMAC-SHA-1 [HMAC] with IPsec ESP [ESP] to provide confidentiality and integrity protection of management traffic between the radio control modules;

o AES-CBC[CBC]和HMAC-SHA-1[HMAC]以及IPsec ESP[ESP],为无线电控制模块之间的管理通信提供机密性和完整性保护;

o AES-CBC [CBC] and HMAC-SHA-1 [HMAC] with the IKE protocol [IKE] to provide confidentiality and integrity protection of key management traffic between the radio control modules; and

o AES-CBC[CBC]和HMAC-SHA-1[HMAC]以及IKE协议[IKE],为无线电控制模块之间的密钥管理通信提供机密性和完整性保护;和

o OAKLEY key agreement [OAKLEY] and RSA digital signatures [PKCS1] are used with IKE to establish keying material and to provide authentication.

o OAKLEY密钥协议[OAKLEY]和RSA数字签名[PKCS1]与IKE一起用于建立密钥材料和提供身份验证。

AES-GCM is used with the custom security protocol in a manner that is very similar to its use in ESP [ESP-GCM].


2. GigaBeam High-Speed Radio Link Overview
2. GigaBeam高速无线链路概述

The GigaBeam high-speed radio link appears to be a fiber interface between two network devices. Figure 1 illustrates the connection of two devices that normally communicate using Gigabit Ethernet over a fiber optic cable.


     +---------+     +----------+        +----------+     +---------+
     |         |     |          +----/   |          |     |         |
     | Network |     | GigaBeam |   /    | GigaBeam |     | Network |
     | Device  +=====+  Radio   |  /---- +  Radio   +=====+ Device  |
     |         |     |          |        |          |     |         |
     +---------+  ^  +----------+   ^    +----------+  ^  +---------+
                  |                 |                  |
                  |                 |                  |
          Gigabit Ethernet          |          Gigabit Ethernet
                           GigaBeam Radio Link
     +---------+     +----------+        +----------+     +---------+
     |         |     |          +----/   |          |     |         |
     | Network |     | GigaBeam |   /    | GigaBeam |     | Network |
     | Device  +=====+  Radio   |  /---- +  Radio   +=====+ Device  |
     |         |     |          |        |          |     |         |
     +---------+  ^  +----------+   ^    +----------+  ^  +---------+
                  |                 |                  |
                  |                 |                  |
          Gigabit Ethernet          |          Gigabit Ethernet
                           GigaBeam Radio Link

Figure 1. GigaBeam Radio Link Example.


Gigabit Ethernet traffic is encoded in 8B/10B format. The GigaBeam Radio Control Module (RCM) removes this coding to recover the 8-bit characters plus an indication of whether the character is a control code. The radio link frame is constructed from 224 10-bit input words, and a 4-way interleaved (56,50,10) Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (FEC) block is employed. Conversion of the Gigabit Ethernet data from 8B/10B format creates 224 bits of additional capacity in each frame, and another 196 bits is gained by recoding the 9-bit data using 64B/65B block codes. This additional 420 bits of capacity is used for the framing overhead required for FEC and link control.


2.1. GigaBeam Radio Link Frame Format
2.1. 千兆波束无线电链路帧格式

The GigaBeam radio link frame fields are summarized in Figure 2, which also provides the length of each field in bits.


      Field   Length   Description
      -----   ------   -----------
      SYNC       11    Frame Synchronization Pattern ('10110111000'b)
      KEYSEL      1    Indicates which AES key was used for this frame
      PN         40    AES-GCM Packet Number
      FLAGS      28    Control bits, one bit for each 64B/65B data block
      DCC         8    Data Communications Channel
      DATA     1792    Data (28 encrypted 64B/65B code blocks)
      TAG        96    Authentication Tag
      SPARE      24    Reserved for alternative FEC algorithms
      CHECK     240    Reed-Solomon Check Words for 4 10-bit
                       symbol (56,50) code
      Field   Length   Description
      -----   ------   -----------
      SYNC       11    Frame Synchronization Pattern ('10110111000'b)
      KEYSEL      1    Indicates which AES key was used for this frame
      PN         40    AES-GCM Packet Number
      FLAGS      28    Control bits, one bit for each 64B/65B data block
      DCC         8    Data Communications Channel
      DATA     1792    Data (28 encrypted 64B/65B code blocks)
      TAG        96    Authentication Tag
      SPARE      24    Reserved for alternative FEC algorithms
      CHECK     240    Reed-Solomon Check Words for 4 10-bit
                       symbol (56,50) code

Figure 2. GigaBeam Radio Link Frame Structure.


Each of the fields in the GigaBeam 2240-bit radio link frame is described below.

GigaBeam 2240位无线电链路帧中的每个字段如下所述。

SYNC Synchronization field, an 11-bit Barker code. Always set to '10110111000'b.


KEYSEL Key Selector -- select the appropriate key register for this frame. Two key registers are maintained to allow seamless rollover between encryption keys.


PN Packet Number -- needed by AES-GCM; it carries the unique counter value for this frame. The value is incremented for each frame.


FLAGS Control bits, one for each 64B/65B data block carried in the DATA field. If the bit is set, then the corresponding 64B/65B block in the DATA field contains a control code. This field is integrity protected by AES-GCM.


DCC Data Communications Channel -- each frame carries one octet of the point-to-point data communications channel between the two radio control modules. See Section 2.2 for more information on the DCC.


DATA Subscriber data carried as 28 64B/65B code blocks. This field is encrypted and integrity protected by AES-GCM.

数据订户数据作为28 64B/65B代码块携带。此字段由AES-GCM加密和完整性保护。

TAG The authentication tag generated by AES-GCM, truncated to 96 bits.


SPARE 24 bits, set to zero.


CHECK Forward error correction check value -- 24 check symbols are generated by a 4-way interleaved Reed-Solomon (56,50,10) algorithm. FEC is always active, but correction can be selectively enabled. For each frame, FEC processing also returns the number of bit errors, the number of symbols in error, and whether the FEC processing failed for the frame. This information allows an estimation of the bit error rate for the link.


2.2. Data Communications Channel
2.2. 数据通信信道

The Data Communications Channel (DCC) field reserves eight bits in each 2240-bit radio link frame for use in constructing a dedicated point-to-point link between the two RCMs. The DCC content is connected to a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) controller that processes the DCC bit stream to provide an asynchronous serial channel that is visible to the RCM operating system. The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) [PPP] is used on the serial channel to create a simple two-node Internet Protocol (IP) network. Each IP datagram is spread over a large number of radio link frames. This two-node IP network carries management protocols between the GigaBeam RCMs.

数据通信信道(DCC)字段在每个2240位无线链路帧中保留8位,用于在两个RCM之间构建专用点到点链路。DCC内容连接到通用异步收发器(UART)控制器,该控制器处理DCC比特流,以提供RCM操作系统可见的异步串行通道。点对点协议(PPP)[PPP]在串行信道上用于创建简单的两节点互联网协议(IP)网络。每个IP数据报分布在大量的无线链路帧上。该双节点IP网络在GigaBeam RCM之间承载管理协议。

IKE [IKE] runs on this two-node IP network to manage all cryptographic keying material. IPsec ESP [ESP] is used in the usual fashion to protect all non-IKE traffic on the data control channel. IPsec ESP employs AES-CBC as described in [ESP-CBC] and HMAC-SHA-1 as described in [ESP-HMAC].

IKE[IKE]在这个双节点IP网络上运行,以管理所有加密密钥材料。IPsec ESP[ESP]通常用于保护数据控制通道上的所有非IKE流量。IPsec ESP使用[ESP-CBC]中所述的AES-CBC和[ESP-HMAC]中所述的HMAC-SHA-1。

3. Radio Link Processing
3. 无线链路处理

The fiber interface constantly provides a stream of data encoded in 8B/10B format. A radio link frame is constructed from 224 10-bit input words. Conversion of the data from 8B/10B format creates 224 bits of additional capacity in each frame, and then recoding using 64B/65B block codes creates another 196 bits of additional capacity. After encryption, the 64B/65B blocks are carried in the DATA field, and the control code indicator bits are carried in the FLAGS field. The additional capacity is used for the framing overhead.


Processing proceeds as follows:


o encryption and integrity protection as described in Section 3.1;

o 第3.1节所述的加密和完整性保护;

o forward error correction (FEC) processing as described in Section 3.2;

o 如第3.2节所述的前向纠错(FEC)处理;

o scrambling as described in Section 3.3; and

o 第3.3节所述的加扰;和

o differential encoding as described in Section 3.4.

o 第3.4节所述的差分编码。

3.1. Encryption and Integrity Protection
3.1. 加密和完整性保护

The GigaBeam RCM contains two key registers. The single-bit KEYSEL field indicates which of the two registers was used for the frame.

GigaBeam RCM包含两个密钥寄存器。单位KEYSEL字段指示两个寄存器中的哪一个用于帧。

AES-GCM [GCM] employs counter mode for encryption. Therefore, a unique value for each frame is needed to construct the counter. The counter includes a 32-bit salt value provided by IKE and a 40-bit packet number from the PN field in the radio link frame. The same counter value must not be used for more than one frame encrypted with the same key. The 128-bit counter block is constructed as shown in Figure 3. The first 96 bits of the AES counter block are called the Nonce in the AES-GCM algorithm description. Note that AES-GCM uses BLOCK values of zero and one for its own use. The values beginning with two are used for encrypting the radio link frame payload.


      Field   Length   Description
      -----   ------   -----------
      SALT       32    Salt value generated during the IKE exchange
      MBZ1       24    These bits must be zero
      PN         40    AES-GCM Packet Number carried in PN field
      MBZ2       28    These bits must be zero
      BLOCK       4    Block counter used in AES-GCM
      Field   Length   Description
      -----   ------   -----------
      SALT       32    Salt value generated during the IKE exchange
      MBZ1       24    These bits must be zero
      PN         40    AES-GCM Packet Number carried in PN field
      MBZ2       28    These bits must be zero
      BLOCK       4    Block counter used in AES-GCM

Figure 3. AES Counter Block Construction.


AES-GCM is used to protect the FLAGS and DATA fields. The FLAGS field is treated as authenticated header data, and it is integrity protected, but it is not encrypted. The DATA field is encrypted and authenticated. The TAG field contains the authentication tag generated by AES-GCM, truncated to 96 bits.


Reception processing performs decryption and integrity checking. If the integrity checks fail, to maintain a continuous stream of traffic, the frame is replaced with K30.7 control characters. These


control characters are normally used to mark errors in the data stream. Without encryption and integrity checking, these control characters usually indicate 8B/10B running disparity or code errors.


3.2. Forward Error Correction (FEC)
3.2. 前向纠错(FEC)

The 224 10-bit data symbols that make up each radio link frame are grouped into 4 subframes each consisting of 56 symbols. The subframes are formed by symbol interleaving. A Reed-Solomon Code, RS(56,50), designed for 10-bit symbols is applied to each subframe.


This Reed Solomon Code detects 6 errors and corrects 3 errors within each subframe. The FEC function is always active; however, it is possible to disable correction of the received data to support debugging.


3.3. Scrambler
3.3. 扰频器

The scrambler ensures that long series of one bits and long series of zero bits do not occur. When encryption is enabled, long series of common bit values is very unlikely; however, during the initial IKE exchange, the radio link frame payload is all zero bits.


The scrambling polynomial is (1 + x^14 + x^15). All words of a frame except the SYNC pattern are scrambled prior to transmission using this linear feedback shift register (LFSR). The LFSR is initialized to all ones at the start of each frame, prior to the first processed bit. Each processed input bit is added modulo 2 (i.e., an XOR) to the output of the x15 tap to form the output bit.


On reception, an identical process is performed after frame synchronization and prior to subsequent processing to recover the original bit pattern.


3.4. Differential Encoding
3.4. 差分编码

The data stream is differentially encoded to avoid symbol ambiguity at the receiver. Since the demodulator could produce true or inverted data depending on the details of the radio frequency (RF) and intermediate frequency (IF) processing chains, differential encoding is used to ensure proper reception of the intended bit value. A zero bit is encoded as no change from the previous output bit, and a one bit is encoded as a change from the previous output bit. Thus, an output bit is the result of XORing the unencoded bit with the previously transmitted encoded bit.


On reception, a complementary operation will be performed to produce the decoded datastream. The bitstream is formed by XORing the received encoded bit and the previously received encoded bit.


4. Key Management
4. 密钥管理

The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) is used for key management [IKE]. IKE has two phases. In Phase 1, two Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) peers establish a secure, authenticated channel with which to communicate. This is called the ISAKMP Security Association (SA). In the GigaBeam environment, the Phase 1 exchange is IKE Aggressive Mode with signatures and certificates. The RSA signature algorithm is used.


Phase 2 negotiates the Security Associations for the GigaBeam custom security protocol that protects subscriber traffic and IPsec ESP that protects management traffic between the GigaBeam RCMs. In the GigaBeam environment, the Phase 2 exchange is IKE Quick Mode, without perfect forward secrecy (PFS). The information exchanged along with Quick Mode is protected by the ISAKMP SA. That is, all payloads except the ISAKMP header are encrypted. A detailed description of Quick Mode can be found in Section 5.5 of [IKE].

第2阶段协商GigaBeam自定义安全协议(保护订户流量)和IPsec ESP(保护GigaBeam RCM之间的管理流量)的安全关联。在GigaBeam环境中,第2阶段交换为IKE快速模式,没有完全前向保密(PFS)。与快速模式一起交换的信息受ISAKMP SA保护。除ISAP之外的所有有效载荷都是加密的。有关快速模式的详细说明,请参见[IKE]第5.5节。

When the Security Association is no longer needed, the ISAKMP Delete Payload is used to tell the peer GigaBeam device that it is being discarded.

当不再需要安全关联时,ISAKMP Delete有效负载用于通知对等GigaBeam设备它正在被丢弃。

4.1. Certificates
4.1. 证书

Each GigaBeam device generates its own public/private key pair. This generation is performed at the factory, and the public key is certified by a Certification Authority (CA) in the factory. The certificate includes a name of the following format:


   C=US O=GigaBeam Corporation OU=GigaBeam WiFiber(tm)
   C=US O=GigaBeam Corporation OU=GigaBeam WiFiber(tm)

The ISAKMP Certificate Payload is used to transport certificates, and in the GigaBeam environment, the "X.509 Certificate - Signature" certificate encoding type (indicated by a value of 4) is always used.


GigaBeam devices are always installed in pairs. At installation time, each one is configured with the device model identifier and device serial number of its peer. The device model identifier and device serial number of a backup device can also be provided. An access control check is performed when certificates are exchanged. The certificate subject name must match one of these configured


values, and the certification path must validate to a configured trust anchor, such as the GigaBeam Root CA, using the validation rules in [PKIX1].


4.2. Oakley Groups
4.2. 奥克利集团

With IKE, several possible Diffie-Hellman groups are supported. These groups originated with the Oakley protocol and are therefore called "Oakley Groups".


GigaBeam devices use group 14, which is described in Section 3 of [MODP].


4.3. Security Protocol Identifier
4.3. 安全协议标识符

The ISAKMP proposal syntax was specifically designed to allow for the simultaneous negotiation of multiple Phase 2 security protocol suites. The identifiers for the IPsec Domain of Interpretation (DOI) are given in [IPDOI].


The GigaBeam custom security protocol has been assigned the PROTO_GIGABEAM_RADIO protocol identifier, with a value of 5.


The PROTO_GIGABEAM_RADIO specifies the use of the GigaBeam radio link frame structure, which uses a single algorithm for both confidentiality and authentication. The following table indicates the algorithm values that are currently defined.

PROTO_GIGABEAM_RADIO指定使用GIGABEAM RADIO链路帧结构,该结构使用单一算法实现机密性和身份验证。下表显示了当前定义的算法值。

      Transform ID                      Value
      ------------                      -----
      RESERVED                            0
      GIGABEAM_AES128_GCM                 1
      Transform ID                      Value
      ------------                      -----
      RESERVED                            0
      GIGABEAM_AES128_GCM                 1
4.4. Keying Material
4.4. 键控材料

GIGABEAM_AES128_GCM requires 20 octets of keying material (called KEYMAT in [IKE]). The first 16 octets are the 128-bit AES key, and the remaining four octets are used as the salt value in the AES counter block.


Presently, AES with a 128-bit key is the only encryption algorithm that is supported. Other encryption algorithms could be registered in the future.


4.5. Identification Type Values
4.5. 标识类型值

The following table lists the assigned values for the Identification Type field found in the ISAKMP Identification Payload.


      ID Type                           Value
      -------                           -----
      RESERVED                            0
      ID_IPV4_ADDR                        1
      ID_FQDN                             2
      ID_USER_FQDN                        3
      ID_IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET                 4
      ID_IPV6_ADDR                        5
      ID_IPV6_ADDR_SUBNET                 6
      ID_IPV4_ADDR_RANGE                  7
      ID_IPV6_ADDR_RANGE                  8
      ID_DER_ASN1_DN                      9
      ID_DER_ASN1_GN                     10
      ID_KEY_ID                          11
      ID Type                           Value
      -------                           -----
      RESERVED                            0
      ID_IPV4_ADDR                        1
      ID_FQDN                             2
      ID_USER_FQDN                        3
      ID_IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET                 4
      ID_IPV6_ADDR                        5
      ID_IPV6_ADDR_SUBNET                 6
      ID_IPV4_ADDR_RANGE                  7
      ID_IPV6_ADDR_RANGE                  8
      ID_DER_ASN1_DN                      9
      ID_DER_ASN1_GN                     10
      ID_KEY_ID                          11

The ID_DER_ASN1_DN will be used when negotiating security associations for use with the GigaBeam custom security protocol. The provided distinguished name must match the peer's subject name provided in the X.509 certificate.


4.6. Security Parameter Index
4.6. 安全参数索引

The least significant bit of the Security Parameter Index (SPI) is used in the GigaBeam custom security protocol. When two GigaBeam custom security protocol security associations are active at the same time for communications in the same direction, the least significant bit of the SPI must be different to ensure that these active security associations can be distinguished by the single bit in the GigaBeam custom security protocol.


4.7. Key Management Latency
4.7. 密钥管理延迟

The IKE exchange over the DCC must complete before subscriber data can be exchanged in the GigaBeam radio link frame payload. Since each radio link frame carries a small portion of an IP datagram, many radio link frames carrying all zero bits must be sent and received to complete the IKE exchange.


Once the initial keying material is in place, the IKE exchanges to establish subsequent keying material can be performed concurrent with the transfer of subscriber data in the radio link frame payload. The KEYSEL field in the radio link frame is used to indicate which keying material is being used.


The PN field in radio link frame provides a continuous indication of the number of frames that have been encrypted with a particular key. Once a threshold is exceeded, the IKE exchanges begin to establish the replacement keying material. Currently, the exchanges begin when half of the packet numbers have been used, but any threshold can be employed, as long as the replacement keying material is available before the packet counters are exhausted.


5. Security Considerations
5. 安全考虑

The security considerations in [IKE], [OAKLEY], [PKCS1], and [ESP] apply to the security system defined in this document.


Confidentiality and integrity are provided by the use of negotiated algorithms. AES-GCM [GCM] is used with the GigaBeam custom security protocol to provide confidentiality and integrity protection of subscriber traffic on the radio link. AES-CBC [CBC] and HMAC-SHA-1 [HMAC] are used with IPsec ESP [ESP] to provide confidentiality and integrity protection of management traffic between the radio control modules.

保密性和完整性是通过使用协商算法实现的。AES-GCM[GCM]与GigaBeam自定义安全协议一起使用,为无线链路上的用户流量提供机密性和完整性保护。AES-CBC[CBC]和HMAC-SHA-1[HMAC]与IPsec ESP[ESP]一起使用,为无线电控制模块之间的管理通信提供机密性和完整性保护。

AES-GCM makes use of AES Counter mode to provide confidentiality. Unfortunately, it is very easy to misuse counter mode. If counter block values are ever used for more than one frame with the same key, then the same key stream will be used to encrypt both frames, and the confidentiality guarantees are voided. Using AES Counter mode with the same counter values to encrypt two plaintexts under the same key leaks the plaintext. The automated key management described here is intended to prevent this from ever happening.


Since AES has a 128-bit block size, regardless of the mode employed, the ciphertext generated by AES encryption becomes distinguishable from random values after 2^64 blocks are encrypted with a single key. Since the GigaBeam radio link frame allows for up to 2^40 fixed-length frames in a single security association, there is no possibility for more than 2^64 blocks to be encrypted with one key.


The lifetime of a particular AES key can be shorter than 2^40 frames. A smaller threshold can be used as a trigger to transition to the next key. This capability allows straightforward implementation of policies that require the key to be changed after a particular volume of traffic or a particular amount of time.


There are fairly generic precomputation attacks against all block cipher modes that allow a meet-in-the-middle attack against the key. These attacks require the creation and searching of huge tables of ciphertext associated with known plaintext and known keys. Assuming that the memory and processor resources are available for a


precomputation attack, then the theoretical strength of AES Counter mode (and any other block cipher mode) is limited to 2^(n/2) bits, where n is the number of bits in the key. The use of long keys is the best countermeasure to precomputation attacks. The unpredictable nonce value in the counter block significantly increases the size of the table that the attacker must compute to mount a successful precomputation attack.


Rekeying with Quick Mode results in new keys to protect GigaBeam radio link frames; however, these keys are generated from the same Diffie-Hellman shared secret. In order to limit the amount of data that would be exposed by the disclosure of this Diffie-Hellman shared secret or the associated Diffie-Hellman private key, implementations should periodically rekey using a new Phase 1 exchange.


Diffie-Hellman exponents used in IKE Phase 1 should be erased from memory immediately after use. Likewise, AES and HMAC-SHA-1 keying material should be erased from memory when it is no longer needed.


This security solution makes use of IKEv1 [IKE]. IKEv1 was selected over IKEv2 [IKEv2] primarily due to the availability of an implementation for the processing environment. The use of IKEv2 would provide some useful capabilities, such as Diffie-Hellman group negotiation. These additional capabilities would not significantly improve the security of the overall key management solution that runs on the two-node IP network.


6. IANA Considerations
6. IANA考虑

IANA has assigned one IPsec Security Protocol Identifier in for PROTO_GIGABEAM_RADIO. It was assigned the value 5.

IANA已在中分配了一个IPsec安全协议标识符 用于PROTO_GIGABEAM_无线电。它被赋值为5。

7. Informative References
7. 资料性引用

[CBC] Dworkin, M., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods and Techniques," NIST Special Publication 800-38A, December 2001.


[ESP] Kent, S., "IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)", RFC 4303, December 2005.

[ESP]Kent,S.,“IP封装安全有效负载(ESP)”,RFC 4303,2005年12月。

[ESP-CBC] Frankel, S., Glenn, R., and S. Kelly, "The AES-CBC Cipher Algorithm and Its Use with IPsec", RFC 3602, September 2003.

[ESP-CBC]Frankel,S.,Glenn,R.,和S.Kelly,“AES-CBC密码算法及其在IPsec中的使用”,RFC 3602,2003年9月。

[ESP-GCM] Viega, J. and D. McGrew, "The Use of Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) in IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)", RFC 4106, June 2005.

[ESP-GCM]Viega,J.和D.McGrew,“在IPsec封装安全负载(ESP)中使用Galois/计数器模式(GCM)”,RFC 4106,2005年6月。

[ESP-HMAC] Madson, C. and R. Glenn, "The Use of HMAC-SHA-1-96 within ESP and AH", RFC 2404, November 1998.

[ESP-HMAC]Madson,C.和R.Glenn,“在ESP和AH中使用HMAC-SHA-1-96”,RFC 2404,1998年11月。

   [GCM]      McGrew, D. and J. Viega, "The Galois/Counter Mode of
              Operation (GCM)", Submission to NIST.
              gcm/gcm-spec.pdf, January 2004.  [Soon: NIST SP 800-38D.]
   [GCM]      McGrew, D. and J. Viega, "The Galois/Counter Mode of
              Operation (GCM)", Submission to NIST.
              gcm/gcm-spec.pdf, January 2004.  [Soon: NIST SP 800-38D.]

[HMAC] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104, February 1997.

[HMAC]Krawczyk,H.,Bellare,M.,和R.Canetti,“HMAC:用于消息身份验证的键控哈希”,RFC 2104,1997年2月。

[IKE] Harkins, D. and D. Carrel, "The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)", RFC 2409, November 1998.

[IKE]Harkins,D.和D.Carrel,“互联网密钥交换(IKE)”,RFC 2409,1998年11月。

[IKEv2] Kaufman, C., "The Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol", RFC 2306, December 2005.


[IPDOI] Piper, D., "The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP", RFC 2407, November 1998.

[IPDOI]Piper,D.,“ISAKMP解释的互联网IP安全域”,RFC 2407,1998年11月。

[MODP] Kivinen, T. and M. Kojo. "More Modular Exponential (MODP) Diffie-Hellman groups for Internet Key Exchange (IKE)", RFC 3526, May 2003.

[MODP]Kivinen,T.和M.Kojo。“因特网密钥交换(IKE)的更多模指数(MODP)Diffie-Hellman组”,RFC 3526,2003年5月。

[OAKLEY] Orman, H., "The Oakley Key Determination Protocol", RFC 2412, November 1998.

[OAKLEY]Orman,H.,“OAKLEY密钥确定协议”,RFC 2412,1998年11月。

[PKCS1] Kaliski, B., "PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Version 1.5", RFC 2313, March 1998.

[PKCS1]Kaliski,B.,“PKCS#1:RSA加密版本1.5”,RFC 2313,1998年3月。

[PKIX1] Housley, R., Polk, W., Ford, W., and D. Solo, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", RFC 3280, April 2002.

[PKIX1]Housley,R.,Polk,W.,Ford,W.,和D.Solo,“Internet X.509公钥基础设施证书和证书撤销列表(CRL)配置文件”,RFC 32802002年4月。

[PPP] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD 51, RFC 1661, July 1994.

[PPP]辛普森,W.“点对点协议(PPP)”,STD 51,RFC 1661994年7月。

8. Acknowledgements
8. 致谢

The authors thank Bob Sutherland and Dave Marcellas for their contributions and review.

作者感谢Bob Sutherland和Dave Marcellas的贡献和评论。

Authors' Addresses


Russell Housley Vigil Security, LLC 918 Spring Knoll Drive Herndon, VA 20170 USA

Russell Housley Vigil Security,LLC 918 Spring Knoll Drive Herndon,弗吉尼亚州,邮编20170


Alan Corry GigaBeam Corporation 470 Springpark Place, Suite 900 Herndon, VA 20170 USA

Alan Corry GigaBeam Corporation美国弗吉尼亚州赫恩顿市斯普林帕克广场470号900室,邮编:20170


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Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).


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