Network Working Group                                           N. Freed
Request for Comments: 4288                              Sun Microsystems
BCP: 13                                                       J. Klensin
Obsoletes: 2048                                            December 2005
Category: Best Current Practice
Network Working Group                                           N. Freed
Request for Comments: 4288                              Sun Microsystems
BCP: 13                                                       J. Klensin
Obsoletes: 2048                                            December 2005
Category: Best Current Practice

Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures


Status of This Memo


This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).




This document defines procedures for the specification and registration of media types for use in MIME and other Internet protocols.


Table of Contents


   1. Introduction ....................................................3
   2. Media Type Registration Preliminaries ...........................4
   3. Registration Trees and Subtype Names ............................4
      3.1. Standards Tree .............................................4
      3.2. Vendor Tree ................................................5
      3.3. Personal or Vanity Tree ....................................5
      3.4. Special x. Tree ............................................5
      3.5. Additional Registration Trees ..............................6
   4. Registration Requirements .......................................6
      4.1. Functionality Requirement ..................................6
      4.2. Naming Requirements ........................................6
         4.2.1. Text Media Types ......................................7
         4.2.2. Image Media Types .....................................8
         4.2.3. Audio Media Types .....................................8
         4.2.4. Video Media Types .....................................8
         4.2.5. Application Media Types ...............................9
         4.2.6. Multipart and Message Media Types .....................9
         4.2.7. Additional Top-level Types ............................9
      4.3. Parameter Requirements ....................................10
      4.4. Canonicalization and Format Requirements ..................10
      4.5. Interchange Recommendations ...............................11
      4.6. Security Requirements .....................................11
      4.7. Requirements specific to XML media types ..................13
      4.8. Encoding Requirements .....................................13
      4.9. Usage and Implementation Non-requirements .................13
      4.10. Publication Requirements .................................14
      4.11. Additional Information ...................................15
   5. Registration Procedure .........................................15
      5.1. Preliminary Community Review ..............................16
      5.2. IESG Approval .............................................16
      5.3. IANA Registration .........................................16
      5.4. Media Types Reviewer ......................................16
   6. Comments on Media Type Registrations ...........................17
   7. Location of Registered Media Type List .........................17
   8. IANA Procedures for Registering Media Types ....................17
   9. Change Procedures ..............................................18
   10. Registration Template .........................................19
   11. Security Considerations .......................................20
   12. IANA Considerations ...........................................20
   13. Acknowledgements ..............................................20
   14. References ....................................................20
   Appendix A.  Grandfathered Media Types ............................22
   Appendix B.  Changes Since RFC 2048 ...............................22
   1. Introduction ....................................................3
   2. Media Type Registration Preliminaries ...........................4
   3. Registration Trees and Subtype Names ............................4
      3.1. Standards Tree .............................................4
      3.2. Vendor Tree ................................................5
      3.3. Personal or Vanity Tree ....................................5
      3.4. Special x. Tree ............................................5
      3.5. Additional Registration Trees ..............................6
   4. Registration Requirements .......................................6
      4.1. Functionality Requirement ..................................6
      4.2. Naming Requirements ........................................6
         4.2.1. Text Media Types ......................................7
         4.2.2. Image Media Types .....................................8
         4.2.3. Audio Media Types .....................................8
         4.2.4. Video Media Types .....................................8
         4.2.5. Application Media Types ...............................9
         4.2.6. Multipart and Message Media Types .....................9
         4.2.7. Additional Top-level Types ............................9
      4.3. Parameter Requirements ....................................10
      4.4. Canonicalization and Format Requirements ..................10
      4.5. Interchange Recommendations ...............................11
      4.6. Security Requirements .....................................11
      4.7. Requirements specific to XML media types ..................13
      4.8. Encoding Requirements .....................................13
      4.9. Usage and Implementation Non-requirements .................13
      4.10. Publication Requirements .................................14
      4.11. Additional Information ...................................15
   5. Registration Procedure .........................................15
      5.1. Preliminary Community Review ..............................16
      5.2. IESG Approval .............................................16
      5.3. IANA Registration .........................................16
      5.4. Media Types Reviewer ......................................16
   6. Comments on Media Type Registrations ...........................17
   7. Location of Registered Media Type List .........................17
   8. IANA Procedures for Registering Media Types ....................17
   9. Change Procedures ..............................................18
   10. Registration Template .........................................19
   11. Security Considerations .......................................20
   12. IANA Considerations ...........................................20
   13. Acknowledgements ..............................................20
   14. References ....................................................20
   Appendix A.  Grandfathered Media Types ............................22
   Appendix B.  Changes Since RFC 2048 ...............................22
1. Introduction
1. 介绍

Recent Internet protocols have been carefully designed to be easily extensible in certain areas. In particular, many protocols, including but not limited to MIME [RFC2045], are capable of carrying arbitrary labeled content. A mechanism is needed to label such content and a registration process is needed for these labels, to ensure that the set of such values is developed in an orderly, well-specified, and public manner.


This document defines media type specification and registration procedures that use the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) as a central registry.


Historical Note


The media type registration process was initially defined for registering media types for use in the context of the asynchronous Internet mail environment. In this mail environment there is a need to limit the number of possible media types, to increase the likelihood of interoperability when the capabilities of the remote mail system are not known. As media types are used in new environments in which the proliferation of media types is not a hindrance to interoperability, the original procedure proved excessively restrictive and had to be generalized. This was initially done in [RFC2048], but the procedure defined there was still part of the MIME document set. The media type specification and registration procedure has now been moved to this separate document, to make it clear that it is independent of MIME.


It may be desirable to restrict the use of media types to specific environments or to prohibit their use in other environments. This revision attempts for the first time to incorporate such restrictions into media type registrations in a systematic way. See Section 4.9 for additional discussion.


1.1. Conventions Used in This Document
1.1. 本文件中使用的公约

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].


This specification makes use of the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) [RFC4234] notation, including the core rules defined in Appendix A of that document.


2. Media Type Registration Preliminaries
2. 媒体类型注册准备

Registration of a new media type or types starts with the construction of a registration proposal. Registration may occur within several different registration trees that have different requirements, as discussed below. In general, a new registration proposal is circulated and reviewed in a fashion appropriate to the tree involved. The media type is then registered if the proposal is acceptable. The following sections describe the requirements and procedures used for each of the different registration trees.


3. Registration Trees and Subtype Names
3. 注册树和子类型名称

In order to increase the efficiency and flexibility of the registration process, different structures of subtype names may be registered to accommodate the different natural requirements for, e.g., a subtype that will be recommended for wide support and implementation by the Internet community, or a subtype that is used to move files associated with proprietary software. The following subsections define registration "trees" that are distinguished by the use of faceted names, e.g., names of the form "tree.subtree...subtype". Note that some media types defined prior to this document do not conform to the naming conventions described below. See Appendix A for a discussion of them.


3.1. Standards Tree
3.1. 标准树

The standards tree is intended for types of general interest to the Internet community. Registrations in the standards tree MUST be approved by the IESG and MUST correspond to a formal publication by a recognized standards body. In the case of registration for the IETF itself, the registration proposal MUST be published as an RFC. Standards-tree registration RFCs can either be standalone "registration only" RFCs, or they can be incorporated into a more general specification of some sort.


Media types in the standards tree are normally denoted by names that are not explicitly faceted, i.e., do not contain period (".", full stop) characters.


The "owner" of a media type registration in the standards tree is assumed to be the standards body itself. Modification or alteration of the specification requires the same level of processing (e.g., standards track) required for the initial registration.


3.2. Vendor Tree
3.2. 供应商树

The vendor tree is used for media types associated with commercially available products. "Vendor" or "producer" are construed as equivalent and very broadly in this context.


A registration may be placed in the vendor tree by anyone who needs to interchange files associated with the particular product. However, the registration formally belongs to the vendor or organization producing the software or file format being registered. Changes to the specification will be made at their request, as discussed in subsequent sections.


Registrations in the vendor tree will be distinguished by the leading facet "vnd.". That may be followed, at the discretion of the registrant, by either a media subtype name from a well-known producer (e.g., "vnd.mudpie") or by an IANA-approved designation of the producer's name that is followed by a media type or product designation (e.g., vnd.bigcompany.funnypictures).


While public exposure and review of media types to be registered in the vendor tree is not required, using the mailing list for review is strongly encouraged to improve the quality of those specifications. Registrations in the vendor tree may be submitted directly to the IANA.


3.3. Personal or Vanity Tree
3.3. 个人或虚荣树

Registrations for media types created experimentally or as part of products that are not distributed commercially may be registered in the personal or vanity tree. The registrations are distinguished by the leading facet "prs.".


The owner of "personal" registrations and associated specifications is the person or entity making the registration, or one to whom responsibility has been transferred as described below.


While public exposure and review of media types to be registered in the personal tree is not required, using the ietf-types list for review is strongly encouraged to improve the quality of those specifications. Registrations in the personal tree may be submitted directly to the IANA.


3.4. Special x. Tree
3.4. 特别x。树

For convenience and symmetry with this registration scheme, subtype names with "x." as the first facet may be used for the same purposes for which names starting in "x-" are used. These types are


unregistered, experimental, and for use only with the active agreement of the parties exchanging them.


However, with the simplified registration procedures described above for vendor and personal trees, it should rarely, if ever, be necessary to use unregistered experimental types. Therefore, use of both "x-" and "x." forms is discouraged.


Types in this tree MUST NOT be registered.


3.5. Additional Registration Trees
3.5. 附加注册树

From time to time and as required by the community, the IANA may, by and with the advice and consent of the IESG, create new top-level registration trees. It is explicitly assumed that these trees may be created for external registration and management by well-known permanent bodies; for example, scientific societies may register media types specific to the sciences they cover. In general, the quality of review of specifications for one of these additional registration trees is expected to be equivalent to registrations in the standards tree. Establishment of these new trees will be announced through RFC publication approved by the IESG.


4. Registration Requirements
4. 注册要求

Media type registration proposals are all expected to conform to various requirements laid out in the following sections. Note that requirement specifics sometimes vary depending on the registration tree, again as detailed in the following sections.


4.1. Functionality Requirement
4.1. 功能需求

Media types MUST function as an actual media format. Registration of things that are better thought of as a transfer encoding, as a charset, or as a collection of separate entities of another type, is not allowed. For example, although applications exist to decode the base64 transfer encoding [RFC2045], base64 cannot be registered as a media type.


This requirement applies regardless of the registration tree involved.


4.2. Naming Requirements
4.2. 命名要求

All registered media types MUST be assigned type and subtype names. The combination of these names serves to uniquely identify the media type, and the format of the subtype name identifies the registration tree. Both type and subtype names are case-insensitive.


Type and subtype names beginning with "X-" are reserved for experimental use and MUST NOT be registered. This parallels the restriction on the x. tree, as discussed in Section 3.4.


Type and subtype names MUST conform to the following ABNF:


type-name = reg-name subtype-name = reg-name


       reg-name = 1*127reg-name-chars
       reg-name-chars = ALPHA / DIGIT / "!" /
                       "#" / "$" / "&" / "." /
                       "+" / "-" / "^" / "_"
       reg-name = 1*127reg-name-chars
       reg-name-chars = ALPHA / DIGIT / "!" /
                       "#" / "$" / "&" / "." /
                       "+" / "-" / "^" / "_"

Note that this syntax is somewhat more restrictive than what is allowed by the ABNF in [RFC2045].


In accordance with the rules specified in [RFC3023], media subtypes that do not represent XML entities MUST NOT be given a name that ends with the "+xml" suffix. More generally, "+suffix" constructs should be used with care, given the possibility of conflicts with future suffix definitions.


While it is possible for a given media type to be assigned additional names, the use of different names to identify the same media type is discouraged.


These requirements apply regardless of the registration tree involved.


The choice of top-level type name MUST take into account the nature of media type involved. New subtypes of top-level types MUST conform to the restrictions of the top-level type, if any. The following sections describe each of the initial set of top-level types and their associated restrictions. Additionally, various protocols, including but not limited to MIME, MAY impose additional restrictions on the media types they can transport. (See [RFC2046] for additional information on the restrictions MIME imposes.)


4.2.1. Text Media Types
4.2.1. 文本媒体类型

The "text" media type is intended for sending material that is principally textual in form. A "charset" parameter MAY be used to indicate the charset of the body text for "text" subtypes, notably including the subtype "text/plain", which is a generic subtype for plain text defined in [RFC2046]. If defined, a text "charset"


parameter MUST be used to specify a charset name defined in accordance to the procedures laid out in [RFC2978].


Plain text does not provide for or allow formatting commands, font attribute specifications, processing instructions, interpretation directives, or content markup. Plain text is seen simply as a linear


sequence of characters, possibly interrupted by line breaks or page breaks. Plain text MAY allow the stacking of several characters in the same position in the text. Plain text in scripts like Arabic and Hebrew may also include facilities that allow the arbitrary mixing of text segments with opposite writing directions.


Beyond plain text, there are many formats for representing what might be known as "rich text". An interesting characteristic of many such representations is that they are to some extent readable even without the software that interprets them. It is useful to distinguish them, at the highest level, from such unreadable data as images, audio, or text represented in an unreadable form. In the absence of appropriate interpretation software, it is reasonable to present subtypes of "text" to the user, while it is not reasonable to do so with most non-textual data. Such formatted textual data should be represented using subtypes of "text".


4.2.2. Image Media Types
4.2.2. 图像媒体类型

A media type of "image" indicates that the content specifies or more separate images that require appropriate hardware to display. The subtype names the specific image format.


4.2.3. Audio Media Types
4.2.3. 音频媒体类型

A media type of "audio" indicates that the content contains audio data.


4.2.4. Video Media Types
4.2.4. 视频媒体类型

A media type of "video" indicates that the content specifies a time-varying-picture image, possibly with color and coordinated sound. The term 'video' is used in its most generic sense, rather than with reference to any particular technology or format, and is not meant to preclude subtypes such as animated drawings encoded compactly.


Note that although in general this document strongly discourages the mixing of multiple media in a single body, it is recognized that many so-called video formats include a representation for synchronized audio and/or text, and this is explicitly permitted for subtypes of "video".


4.2.5. Application Media Types
4.2.5. 应用程序媒体类型

The "application" media type is to be used for discrete data that do not fit in any of the media types, and particularly for data to be processed by some type of application program. This is information that must be processed by an application before it is viewable or usable by a user. Expected uses for the "application" media type include but are not limited to file transfer, spreadsheets, presentations, scheduling data, and languages for "active" (computational) material. (The latter, in particular, can pose security problems that must be understood by implementors, and are considered in detail in the discussion of the "application/ PostScript" media type in [RFC2046].)


For example, a meeting scheduler might define a standard representation for information about proposed meeting dates. An intelligent user agent would use this information to conduct a dialog with the user, and might then send additional material based on that dialog. More generally, there have been several "active" languages developed in which programs in a suitably specialized language are transported to a remote location and automatically run in the recipient's environment. Such applications may be defined as subtypes of the "application" media type.


The subtype of "application" will often be either the name or include part of the name of the application for which the data are intended. This does not mean, however, that any application program name may be used freely as a subtype of "application".


4.2.6. Multipart and Message Media Types
4.2.6. 多部分和消息媒体类型

Multipart and message are composite types, that is, they provide a means of encapsulating zero or more objects, each labeled with its own media type.


All subtypes of multipart and message MUST conform to the syntax rules and other requirements specified in [RFC2046].


4.2.7. Additional Top-level Types
4.2.7. 其他顶级类型

In some cases a new media type may not "fit" under any currently defined top-level content type. Such cases are expected to be quite rare. However, if such a case does arise a new top-level type can be defined to accommodate it. Such a definition MUST be done via standards-track RFC; no other mechanism can be used to define additional top-level content types.


4.3. Parameter Requirements
4.3. 参数要求

Media types MAY elect to use one or more media type parameters, or some parameters may be automatically made available to the media type by virtue of being a subtype of a content type that defines a set of parameters applicable to any of its subtypes. In either case, the names, values, and meanings of any parameters MUST be fully specified


when a media type is registered in the standards tree, and SHOULD be specified as completely as possible when media types are registered in the vendor or personal trees.


Parameter names have the syntax as media type names and values:


       parameter-name = reg-name
       parameter-name = reg-name

Note that this syntax is somewhat more restrictive than what is allowed by the ABNF in [RFC2045] and amended by [RFC2231].


There is no defined syntax for parameter values. Therefore registrations MUST specify parameter value syntax. Additionally, some transports impose restrictions on parameter value syntax, so care should be taken to limit the use of potentially problematic syntaxes; e.g., pure binary valued parameters, while permitted in some protocols, probably should be avoided.

没有为参数值定义语法。因此,注册必须指定参数值语法。此外,一些传输对参数值语法施加限制,因此应注意限制潜在问题语法的使用;e、 例如,虽然某些协议允许使用纯二进制值参数,但可能应该避免使用。

New parameters SHOULD NOT be defined as a way to introduce new functionality in types registered in the standards tree, although new parameters MAY be added to convey additional information that does not otherwise change existing functionality. An example of this would be a "revision" parameter to indicate a revision level of an external specification such as JPEG. Similar behavior is encouraged for media types registered in the vendor or personal trees but is not required.


4.4. Canonicalization and Format Requirements
4.4. 规范化和格式要求

All registered media types MUST employ a single, canonical data format, regardless of registration tree.


A precise and openly available specification of the format of each media type MUST exist for all types registered in the standards tree and MUST at a minimum be referenced by, if it isn't actually included in, the media type registration proposal itself.


The specifications of format and processing particulars may or may not be publicly available for media types registered in the vendor tree, and such registration proposals are explicitly permitted to


limit specification to which software and version produce or process such media types. References to or inclusion of format specifications in registration proposals is encouraged but not required.


Format specifications are still required for registration in the personal tree, but may be either published as RFCs or otherwise deposited with the IANA. The deposited specifications will meet the same criteria as those required to register a well-known TCP port and, in particular, need not be made public.


Some media types involve the use of patented technology. The registration of media types involving patented technology is specifically permitted. However, the restrictions set forth in [RFC2026] on the use of patented technology in IETF standards-track protocols must be respected when the specification of a media type is part of a standards-track protocol. In addition, other standards bodies making use of the standards tree may have their own rules regarding intellectual property that must be observed in their registrations.


4.5. Interchange Recommendations
4.5. 交换建议

Media types SHOULD interoperate across as many systems and applications as possible. However, some media types will inevitably have problems interoperating across different platforms. Problems with different versions, byte ordering, and specifics of gateway handling can and will arise.


Universal interoperability of media types is not required, but known interoperability issues SHOULD be identified whenever possible. Publication of a media type does not require an exhaustive review of interoperability, and the interoperability considerations section is subject to continuing evaluation.


These recommendations apply regardless of the registration tree involved.


4.6. Security Requirements
4.6. 安全要求

An analysis of security issues MUST be done for all types registered in the standards Tree. A similar analysis for media types registered in the vendor or personal trees is encouraged but not required. However, regardless of what security analysis has or has not been done, all descriptions of security issues MUST be as accurate as possible regardless of registration tree. In particular, a statement that there are "no security issues associated with this type" MUST


NOT be confused with "the security issues associates with this type have not been assessed".


There is absolutely no requirement that media types registered in any tree be secure or completely free from risks. Nevertheless, all known security risks MUST be identified in the registration of a media type, again regardless of registration tree.


The security considerations section of all registrations is subject to continuing evaluation and modification, and in particular MAY be extended by use of the "comments on media types" mechanism described in Section 6 below.


Some of the issues that should be looked at in a security analysis of a media type are:


o Complex media types may include provisions for directives that institute actions on a recipient's files or other resources. In many cases provision is made for originators to specify arbitrary actions in an unrestricted fashion that may then have devastating effects. See the registration of the application/postscript media type in [RFC2046] for an example of such directives and how they should be described in a media type registration.

o 复杂的媒体类型可能包括对收件人的文件或其他资源执行操作的指令的规定。在许多情况下,规定发起者以不受限制的方式指定可能产生毁灭性影响的任意行为。请参阅[RFC2046]中的应用程序/postscript媒体类型注册,以了解此类指令的示例以及在媒体类型注册中应如何描述这些指令。

o All registrations MUST state whether or not they employ such "active content", and if they do, they MUST state what steps have been taken to protect users of the media type from harm.

o 所有注册必须说明他们是否使用此类“活动内容”,如果使用,则必须说明采取了哪些措施保护媒体类型的用户免受伤害。

o Complex media types may include provisions for directives that institute actions that, while not directly harmful to the recipient, may result in disclosure of information that either facilitates a subsequent attack or else violates a recipient's privacy in some way. Again, the registration of the application/postscript media type illustrates how such directives can be handled.

o 复杂的媒体类型可能包括指令规定,这些指令虽然不会直接伤害接收者,但可能导致信息泄露,从而促进后续攻击或以某种方式侵犯接收者的隐私。同样,应用程序/postscript媒体类型的注册说明了如何处理此类指令。

o A media type that employs compression may provide an opportunity for sending a small amount of data that, when received and evaluated, expands enormously to consume all of the recipient's resources. All media types SHOULD state whether or not they employ compression, and if they do they should discuss what steps need to be taken to avoid such attacks.

o 采用压缩的媒体类型可能会提供发送少量数据的机会,这些数据在接收和评估时会极大地扩展以消耗接收者的所有资源。所有媒体类型都应说明是否使用压缩,如果使用压缩,则应讨论需要采取哪些步骤来避免此类攻击。

o A media type might be targeted for applications that require some sort of security assurance but not provide the necessary security mechanisms themselves. For example, a media type could be defined for storage of confidential medical information that in turn

o 媒体类型可能针对需要某种安全保证但本身不提供必要安全机制的应用程序。例如,可以定义媒体类型来存储机密医疗信息,而机密医疗信息反过来

requires an external confidentiality service, or which is designed for use only within a secure environment.


4.7. Requirements specific to XML media types
4.7. 特定于XML媒体类型的要求

There are a number of additional requirements specific to the registration of XML media types. These requirements are specified in [RFC3023].


4.8. Encoding Requirements
4.8. 编码要求

Some transports impose restrictions on the type of data they can carry. For example, Internet mail traditionally was limited to 7bit US-ASCII text. Encoding schemes are often used to work around such transport limitations.


It is therefore useful to note what sort of data a media type can consist of as part of its registration. An "encoding considerations" field is provided for this purpose. Possible values of this field are:


7bit: The content of the media type consists solely of CRLF-delimited 7bit US-ASCII text.

7bit:媒体类型的内容仅由CRLF分隔的7bit US-ASCII文本组成。

8bit: The content of the media type consists solely of CRLF-delimited 8bit text.


binary: The content consists of unrestricted sequence of octets.


framed: The content consists of a series of frames or packets without internal framing or alignment indicators. Additional out-of-band information is needed to interpret the data properly, including but not necessarily limited to, knowledge of the boundaries between successive frames and knowledge of the transport mechanism. Note that media types of this sort cannot simply be stored in a file or transported as a simple stream of octets; therefore, such media types are unsuitable for use in many traditional protocols. A commonly used transport with framed encoding is the Real-time Transport Protocol, RTP. Additional rules for framed encodings defined for transport using RTP are given in [RFC3555].


Additional restrictions on 7bit and 8bit text are given in [RFC2046].


4.9. Usage and Implementation Non-requirements
4.9. 非需求的使用和实现

In the asynchronous mail environment, where information on the capabilities of the remote mail agent is frequently not available to


the sender, maximum interoperability is attained by restricting the media types used to those "common" formats expected to be widely implemented. This was asserted in the past as a reason to limit the number of possible media types, and it resulted in a registration process with a significant hurdle and delay for those registering media types.


However, the need for "common" media types does not require limiting the registration of new media types. If a limited set of media types is recommended for a particular application, that should be asserted by a separate applicability statement specific for the application and/or environment.


Therefore, universal support and implementation of a media type is NOT a requirement for registration. However, if a media type is explicitly intended for limited use, this MUST be noted in its registration. The "Restrictions on Usage" field is provided for this purpose.


4.10. Publication Requirements
4.10. 出版要求

Proposals for media types registered in the standards tree by the IETF itself MUST be published as RFCs. RFC publication of vendor and personal media type proposals is encouraged but not required. In all cases the IANA will retain copies of all media type proposals and "publish" them as part of the media types registration tree itself.


As stated previously, standards tree registrations for media types defined in documents produced by other standards bodies MUST be described by a formal standards specification produced by that body. Such specifications MUST contain an appropriate media type registration template taken from Section 10. Additionally, the copyright on the registration template MUST allow the IANA to copy it into the IANA registry.


Other than IETF registrations in the standards tree, the registration of a data type does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the IANA or the IETF or even certification that the specification is adequate. To become Internet Standards, a protocol or data object must go through the IETF standards process. This is too difficult and too lengthy a process for the convenient registration of media types.


The standards tree exists for media types that do require a substantive review and approval process in a recognized standards body. The vendor and personal trees exist for those media types that do not require such a process. It is expected that applicability statements for particular applications will be published from time to


time in the IETF, recommending implementation of, and support for, media types that have proven particularly useful in those contexts.


As discussed above, registration of a top-level type requires standards-track processing in the IETF and, hence, RFC publication.


4.11. Additional Information
4.11. 补充资料

Various sorts of optional information SHOULD be included in the specification of a media type if it is available:


o Magic number(s) (length, octet values). Magic numbers are byte sequences that are always present at a given place in the file and thus can be used to identify entities as being of a given media type.

o 幻数(长度、八位字节值)。幻数是始终存在于文件中给定位置的字节序列,因此可用于将实体标识为给定媒体类型。

o File name extension(s) commonly used on one or more platforms to indicate that some file contains a given media type.

o 一个或多个平台上常用的文件扩展名,用于指示某些文件包含给定的媒体类型。

o Mac OS File Type code(s) (4 octets) used to label files containing a given media type.

o Mac OS文件类型代码(4个八位字节),用于标记包含给定媒体类型的文件。

o Information about how fragment/anchor identifiers [RFC3986] are constructed for use in conjunction with this media type.

o 有关如何构造片段/锚标识符[RFC3986]以与此媒体类型结合使用的信息。

In the case of a registration in the standards tree, this additional information MAY be provided in the formal specification of the media type. It is suggested that this be done by incorporating the IANA media type registration form into the specification itself.


5. Registration Procedure
5. 登记程序

The media type registration procedure is not a formal standards process, but rather an administrative procedure intended to allow community comment and sanity checking without excessive time delay.


The normal IETF processes should be followed for all IETF registrations in the standards tree. The posting of an Internet Draft is a necessary first step, followed by posting to the list as discussed below.


Registrations in the vendor and personal tree should be submitted directly to the IANA, ideally after first posting to the list for review.


Proposed registrations in the standards tree by other standards bodies should be communicated to the IESG (at and to the ietf-types list (at Prior posting as an

其他标准机构在标准树中提出的注册应通知IESG(在和ietf类型列表(在 以前作为

Internet Draft is not required for these registrations, but may be helpful to the IESG and is encouraged.


5.1. Preliminary Community Review
5.1. 社区初步审查

Notice of a potential media type registration in the standards tree MUST be sent to the "" mailing list for review. This mailing list has been established for the purpose of reviewing proposed media and access types. Registrations in other trees MAY be sent to the list for review as well.


The intent of the public posting to this list is to solicit comments and feedback on the choice of type/subtype name, the unambiguity of the references with respect to versions and external profiling information, and a review of any interoperability or security considerations. The submitter may submit a revised registration or abandon the registration completely and at any time.


5.2. IESG Approval
5.2. IESG批准

Media types registered in the standards tree MUST be approved by the IESG prior to registration.


5.3. IANA Registration
5.3. IANA注册

Provided that the media type meets all of the relevant requirements and has obtained whatever approval is necessary, the author may submit the registration request to the IANA. Registration requests can be sent to A web form for registration requests is also available:

如果媒体类型符合所有相关要求,并获得任何必要的批准,作者可以向IANA提交注册申请。注册申请可发送至 还提供了注册请求的web表单:

Sending to does not constitute submitting the registration to the IANA.


When the registration is either part of an RFC publication request or a registration in the standards tree submitted to the IESG, close coordination between the IANA and the IESG means IESG approval in effect submits the registration to the IANA. There is no need for an additional registration request in such cases.


5.4. Media Types Reviewer
5.4. 媒体类型审阅者

Registrations submitted to the IANA will be passed on to the media types reviewer. The media types reviewer, who is appointed by the IETF Applications Area Director(s), will review the registration to make sure it meets the requirements set forth in this document.


Registrations that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the submitter for revision.


Decisions made by the media types reviewer may be appealed to the IESG using the procedure specified in [RFC2026] section 6.5.4.


Once a media type registration has passed review, the IANA will register the media type and make the media type registration available to the community.


6. Comments on Media Type Registrations
6. 关于媒体类型注册的评论

Comments on registered media types may be submitted by members of the community to the IANA. These comments will be reviewed by the media types reviewer and then passed on to the "owner" of the media type if possible. Submitters of comments may request that their comment be attached to the media type registration itself, and if the IANA approves of this, the comment will be made accessible in conjunction with the type registration.


7. Location of Registered Media Type List
7. 已注册媒体类型列表的位置

Media type registrations are listed by the IANA at:

8. IANA Procedures for Registering Media Types
8. IANA注册媒体类型的程序

The IANA will only register media types in the standards tree in response to a communication from the IESG stating that a given registration has been approved. Vendor and personal types will be registered by the IANA automatically and without any formal approval process as long as the following minimal conditions are met:


o Media types MUST function as an actual media format. In particular, charsets and transfer encodings MUST NOT be registered as media types.

o 介质类型必须作为实际介质格式使用。特别是,字符集和传输编码不能注册为媒体类型。

o All media types MUST have properly formed type and subtype names. All type names MUST be defined by a standards-track RFC. All type/subtype name pairs MUST be unique and MUST contain the proper tree prefix.

o 所有媒体类型必须具有格式正确的类型和子类型名称。所有类型名称必须由标准跟踪RFC定义。所有类型/子类型名称对必须是唯一的,并且必须包含正确的树前缀。

o Types registered in the personal tree MUST either provide a format specification or a pointer to one.

o 在个人树中注册的类型必须提供格式规范或指向格式规范的指针。

o All media types MUST have a reasonable security considerations section. (It is neither possible nor necessary for the IANA to conduct a comprehensive security review of media type registrations. Nevertheless, the IANA has the authority to identify obviously incompetent material and return it to the submitter for revision.)

o 所有媒体类型都必须有一个合理的安全注意事项部分。(IANA既不可能也没有必要对媒体类型注册进行全面的安全审查。然而,IANA有权确定明显不合格的材料,并将其返回给提交人进行修订。)

Registrations in the standards tree MUST satisfy the additional requirement that they originate from the IETF itself or from another standards body recognized as such by the IETF.


9. Change Procedures
9. 变更程序

Once a media type has been published by the IANA, the owner may request a change to its definition. The descriptions of the different registration trees above designate the "owners" of each type of registration. The same procedure that would be appropriate for the original registration request is used to process a change request.


Changes should be requested only when there are serious omissions or errors in the published specification. When review is required, a change request may be denied if it renders entities that were valid under the previous definition invalid under the new definition.


The owner of a media type may pass responsibility to another person or agency by informing the IANA and the ietf-types list; this can be done without discussion or review.


The IESG may reassign responsibility for a media type. The most common case of this will be to enable changes to be made to types where the author of the registration has died, moved out of contact or is otherwise unable to make changes that are important to the community.


Media type registrations may not be deleted; media types that are no longer believed appropriate for use can be declared OBSOLETE by a change to their "intended use" field; such media types will be clearly marked in the lists published by the IANA.


10. Registration Template
10. 注册模板
   Subject: Registration of media type XXX/YYY
   Subject: Registration of media type XXX/YYY

Type name:


Subtype name:


Required parameters:


Optional parameters:


Encoding considerations:


Security considerations:


Interoperability considerations:


Published specification:


Applications that use this media type:


Additional information:


Magic number(s): File extension(s): Macintosh file type code(s):


Person & email address to contact for further information:


Intended usage:




Restrictions on usage:


(Any restrictions on where the media type can be used go here.)




Change controller:


(Any other information that the author deems interesting may be added below this line.)


Some discussion of Macintosh file type codes and their purpose can be found in [MacOSFileTypes]. Additionally, please refrain from writing


"none" or anything similar when no file extension or Macintosh file type is specified, lest "none" be confused with an actual code value.


11. Security Considerations
11. 安全考虑

Security requirements for media type registrations are discussed in Section 4.6.


12. IANA Considerations
12. IANA考虑

The purpose of this document is to define IANA registries for media types.


13. Acknowledgements
13. 致谢

The current authors would like to acknowledge their debt to the late Dr. Jon Postel, whose general model of IANA registration procedures and specific contributions shaped the predecessors of this document [RFC2048]. We hope that the current version is one with which he would have agreed but, as it is impossible to verify that agreement, we have regretfully removed his name as a co-author.

目前的作者要感谢已故的Jon Postel博士,他的IANA注册程序的一般模型和具体贡献形成了本文件的前身[RFC2048]。我们希望目前的版本是他本会同意的版本,但由于无法核实这一协议,我们遗憾地删除了他作为合著者的姓名。

14. References
14. 工具书类
14.1. Normative References
14.1. 规范性引用文件

[RFC2045] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 2045, November 1996.

[RFC2045]Freed,N.和N.Borenstein,“多用途Internet邮件扩展(MIME)第一部分:Internet邮件正文格式”,RFC 20451996年11月。

[RFC2046] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046, November 1996.

[RFC2046]Freed,N.和N.Borenstein,“多用途Internet邮件扩展(MIME)第二部分:媒体类型”,RFC 20461996年11月。

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC2119]Bradner,S.,“RFC中用于表示需求水平的关键词”,BCP 14,RFC 2119,1997年3月。

[RFC2978] Freed, N. and J. Postel, "IANA Charset Registration Procedures", BCP 19, RFC 2978, October 2000.

[RFC2978]Freed,N.和J.Postel,“IANA字符集注册程序”,BCP 19,RFC 2978,2000年10月。

[RFC3023] Murata, M., St. Laurent, S., and D. Kohn, "XML Media Types", RFC 3023, January 2001.

[RFC3023]Murata,M.,St.Laurent,S.,和D.Kohn,“XML媒体类型”,RFC 3023,2001年1月。

[RFC3555] Casner, S. and P. Hoschka, "MIME Type Registration of RTP Payload Formats", RFC 3555, July 2003.

[RFC3555]Casner,S.和P.Hoschka,“RTP有效载荷格式的MIME类型注册”,RFC 35552003年7月。

[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC 3986, January 2005.

[RFC3986]Berners Lee,T.,Fielding,R.,和L.Masinter,“统一资源标识符(URI):通用语法”,STD 66,RFC 3986,2005年1月。

[RFC4234] Crocker, D. Ed., and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", RFC 4234, October 2005.

[RFC4234]Crocker,D.Ed.和P.Overell,“语法规范的扩充BNF:ABNF”,RFC 4234,2005年10月。

14.2. Informative References
14.2. 资料性引用

[MacOSFileTypes] Apple Computer, Inc., "Mac OS: File Type and Creator Codes, and File Formats", Apple Knowledge Base Article 55381, June 1993, <>.

[MacOSFileTypes]Apple Computer,Inc.,“Mac OS:文件类型和创建者代码以及文件格式”,苹果知识库文章553811993年6月<>.

[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, October 1996.

[RFC2026]Bradner,S.,“互联网标准过程——第3版”,BCP 9,RFC 2026,1996年10月。

[RFC2048] Freed, N., Klensin, J., and J. Postel, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures", BCP 13, RFC 2048, November 1996.

[RFC2048]Freed,N.,Klensin,J.和J.Postel,“多用途互联网邮件扩展(MIME)第四部分:注册程序”,BCP 13,RFC 2048,1996年11月。

[RFC2231] Freed, N. and K. Moore, "MIME Parameter Value and Encoded Word Extensions: Character Sets, Languages, and Continuations", RFC 2231, November 1997.

[RFC2231]Freed,N.和K.Moore,“MIME参数值和编码字扩展:字符集、语言和连续体”,RFC 22311997年11月。

Appendix A. Grandfathered Media Types

A number of media types, registered prior to 1996, would, if registered under the guidelines in this document, be placed into either the vendor or personal trees. Reregistration of those types to reflect the appropriate trees is encouraged but not required. Ownership and change control principles outlined in this document apply to those types as if they had been registered in the trees described above.


Appendix B. Changes Since RFC 2048
附录B.自RFC 2048年以来的变化

o Media type specification and registration procedures have been moved out of the MIME document set to this separate specification.

o 媒体类型规范和注册程序已从MIME文档集中移到这个单独的规范中。

o The various URLs and addresses in this document have been changed so they all refer to rather than Additionally, many of the URLs have been changed to use HTTP; formerly they used FTP.

o 本文档中的各种URL和地址已更改,因此它们都指向iana.org而不是。此外,许多URL已更改为使用HTTP;以前他们使用FTP。

o Much of the document has been clarified in the light of operational experience with these procedures.

o 根据这些程序的运行经验,文件的大部分内容已得到澄清。

o The unfaceted IETF tree is now called the standards tree, and the registration rules for this tree have been relaxed to allow use by other standards bodies.

o 未经认证的IETF树现在称为标准树,该树的注册规则已经放宽,允许其他标准机构使用。

o The text describing the media type registration procedure has clarified.

o 描述介质类型注册程序的文本已澄清。

o The rules and requirements for constructing security considerations sections have been extended and clarified.

o 构建安全注意事项部分的规则和要求已经扩展和澄清。

o RFC 3023 is now referenced as the source of additional information concerning the registration of XML media types.

o RFC3023现在被引用为有关XML媒体类型注册的附加信息源。

o Several of the references in this document have been updated to refer to current versions of the relevant specifications.

o 本文件中的几个参考文件已更新,以参考相关规范的当前版本。

o A note has been added discouraging the assignment of multiple names to a single media type.

o 添加了一条注释,禁止将多个名称分配给单个媒体类型。

o Security considerations and IANA considerations sections have been added.

o 增加了安全注意事项和IANA注意事项部分。

o Concerns regarding copyrights on media type registration templates produced by other standards bodies have been dealt with by requiring that the IANA be allowed to copy the registration template into the registry.

o 对于其他标准机构制作的媒体类型注册模板的版权问题,已通过要求允许IANA将注册模板复制到注册中心来解决。

o The basic registration requirements for the various top-level types have been moved from RFC 2046 to this document.

o 各种顶级类型的基本注册要求已从RFC 2046移至本文件。

o A syntax is now specified for media type, subtype, and parameter names.

o 现在为媒体类型、子类型和参数名指定了语法。

o Imposed a maximum length of 127 on all media type and subtype names.

o 对所有媒体类型和子类型名称施加的最大长度为127。

o A note has been added to caution against excessive use of "+suffix" constructs in subtype names.

o 添加了一个注释,以警告不要在子类型名称中过度使用“+后缀”构造。

o The encoding considerations field has been extended to allow the value "framed".

o 编码注意事项字段已扩展为允许值“framed”。

o A reference describing Macintosh Type codes has been added.

o 已添加描述Macintosh类型代码的参考。

o Ietf-types list review of registrations in the standards tree is now required rather than just recommended.

o 现在需要对标准树中的注册进行Ietf类型列表审查,而不仅仅是推荐。

Authors' Addresses


Ned Freed Sun Microsystems 3401 Centrelake Drive, Suite 410 Ontario, CA 92761-1205 USA

Ned Freed Sun Microsystems 3401 Centrelake Drive,美国加利福尼亚州安大略省410号套房92761-1205

   Phone: +1 909 457 4293
   Phone: +1 909 457 4293

John C. Klensin 1770 Massachusetts Ave, #322 Cambridge, MA 02140



Full Copyright Statement


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.

本文件受BCP 78中包含的权利、许可和限制的约束,除其中规定外,作者保留其所有权利。



Intellectual Property


The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

IETF对可能声称与本文件所述技术的实施或使用有关的任何知识产权或其他权利的有效性或范围,或此类权利下的任何许可可能或可能不可用的程度,不采取任何立场;它也不表示它已作出任何独立努力来确定任何此类权利。有关RFC文件中权利的程序信息,请参见BCP 78和BCP 79。

Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at


The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at




Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the Internet Society.
