Network Working Group                                           B. Davie
Request for Comments: 3035                                   J. Lawrence
Category: Standards Track                                  K. McCloghrie
                                                                E. Rosen
                                                              G. Swallow
                                                     Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                              Y. Rekhter
                                                        Juniper Networks
                                                               P. Doolan
                                                 Ennovate Networks, Inc.
                                                            January 2001
Network Working Group                                           B. Davie
Request for Comments: 3035                                   J. Lawrence
Category: Standards Track                                  K. McCloghrie
                                                                E. Rosen
                                                              G. Swallow
                                                     Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                              Y. Rekhter
                                                        Juniper Networks
                                                               P. Doolan
                                                 Ennovate Networks, Inc.
                                                            January 2001

MPLS using LDP and ATM VC Switching


Status of this Memo


This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

本文件规定了互联网社区的互联网标准跟踪协议,并要求进行讨论和提出改进建议。有关本协议的标准化状态和状态,请参考当前版本的“互联网官方协议标准”(STD 1)。本备忘录的分发不受限制。

Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.




The Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Architecture [1] discusses a way in which Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) switches may be used as Label Switching Routers. The ATM switches run network layer routing algorithms (such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS), etc.), and their data forwarding is based on the results of these routing algorithms. No ATM-specific routing or addressing is needed. ATM switches used in this way are known as ATM-LSRs (Label Switching Routers).

多协议标签交换(MPLS)体系结构[1]讨论了异步传输模式(ATM)交换机可用作标签交换路由器的方法。ATM交换机运行网络层路由算法(如开放最短路径优先(OSPF)、中间系统到中间系统(IS-IS)等),其数据转发基于这些路由算法的结果。不需要ATM特定的路由或寻址。以这种方式使用的ATM交换机称为ATM LSR(标签交换路由器)。

This document extends and clarifies the relevant portions of [1] and [2] by specifying in more detail the procedures which to be used when distributing labels to or from ATM-LSRs, when those labels represent Forwarding Equivalence Classes (FECs, see [1]) for which the routes are determined on a hop-by-hop basis by network layer routing algorithms.

本文件扩展并澄清了[1]和[2]的相关部分,详细说明了在向ATM LSR分发标签或从ATM LSR分发标签时使用的程序,这些标签表示转发等价类(FEC,请参见[1]),网络层路由算法在逐跳的基础上为其确定路由。

This document also specifies the MPLS encapsulation to be used when sending labeled packets to or from ATM-LSRs, and in that respect is a companion document to [3].

本文件还规定了向ATM LSR发送或从ATM LSR发送标记数据包时使用的MPLS封装,在这方面,本文件是[3]的配套文件。

Table of Contents


    1      Introduction  ...........................................   2
    2      Specification of Requirements  ..........................   3
    3      Definitions  ............................................   3
    4      Special Characteristics of ATM Switches  ................   4
    5      Label Switching Control Component for ATM  ..............   5
    6      Hybrid Switches (Ships in the Night)  ...................   5
    7      Use of  VPI/VCIs  .......................................   5
    7.1    Direct Connections  .....................................   6
    7.2    Connections via an ATM VP  ..............................   7
    7.3    Connections via an ATM SVC  .............................   7
    8      Label Distribution and Maintenance Procedures  ..........   7
    8.1    Edge LSR Behavior  ......................................   8
    8.2    Conventional ATM Switches (non-VC-merge)  ...............   9
    8.3    VC-merge-capable ATM Switches  ..........................  11
    9      Encapsulation  ..........................................  12
   10      TTL Manipulation  .......................................  13
   11      Optional Loop Detection: Distributing Path Vectors  .....  15
   11.1    When to Send Path Vectors Downstream  ...................  15
   11.2    When to Send Path Vectors Upstream  .....................  16
   12      Security Considerations  ................................  17
   13      Intellectual Property Considerations  ...................  17
   14      References  .............................................  18
   15      Acknowledgments  ........................................  18
   16      Authors' Addresses  .....................................  18
   17      Full Copyright Statement  ...............................  20
    1      Introduction  ...........................................   2
    2      Specification of Requirements  ..........................   3
    3      Definitions  ............................................   3
    4      Special Characteristics of ATM Switches  ................   4
    5      Label Switching Control Component for ATM  ..............   5
    6      Hybrid Switches (Ships in the Night)  ...................   5
    7      Use of  VPI/VCIs  .......................................   5
    7.1    Direct Connections  .....................................   6
    7.2    Connections via an ATM VP  ..............................   7
    7.3    Connections via an ATM SVC  .............................   7
    8      Label Distribution and Maintenance Procedures  ..........   7
    8.1    Edge LSR Behavior  ......................................   8
    8.2    Conventional ATM Switches (non-VC-merge)  ...............   9
    8.3    VC-merge-capable ATM Switches  ..........................  11
    9      Encapsulation  ..........................................  12
   10      TTL Manipulation  .......................................  13
   11      Optional Loop Detection: Distributing Path Vectors  .....  15
   11.1    When to Send Path Vectors Downstream  ...................  15
   11.2    When to Send Path Vectors Upstream  .....................  16
   12      Security Considerations  ................................  17
   13      Intellectual Property Considerations  ...................  17
   14      References  .............................................  18
   15      Acknowledgments  ........................................  18
   16      Authors' Addresses  .....................................  18
   17      Full Copyright Statement  ...............................  20
1. Introduction
1. 介绍

The MPLS Architecture [1] discusses the way in which ATM switches may be used as Label Switching Routers. The ATM switches run network layer routing algorithms (such as OSPF, IS-IS, etc.), and their data forwarding is based on the results of these routing algorithms. No ATM-specific routing or addressing is needed. ATM switches used in this way are known as ATM-LSRs.

MPLS体系结构[1]讨论了ATM交换机可用作标签交换路由器的方式。ATM交换机运行网络层路由算法(如OSPF、IS-IS等),其数据转发基于这些路由算法的结果。不需要ATM特定的路由或寻址。以这种方式使用的ATM交换机称为ATM LSR。

This document extends and clarifies the relevant portions of [1] and [2] by specifying in more detail the procedures which are to be used for distributing labels to or from ATM-LSRs, when those labels represent Forwarding Equivalence Classes (FECs, see [1]) for which the routes are determined on a hop-by-hop basis by network layer routing algorithms. The label distribution technique described here is referred to in [1] as "downstream-on-demand". This label distribution technique MUST be used by ATM-LSRs that are not capable of "VC merge" (defined in section 3), and is OPTIONAL for ATM-LSRs that are capable of VC merge.

本文件扩展并澄清了[1]和[2]的相关部分,更详细地规定了当标签表示转发等价类(FEC,见[1])时,用于向ATM LSR或从ATM LSR分发标签的程序其路由是通过网络层路由算法逐跳确定的。此处描述的标签分发技术在[1]中称为“下游随需应变”。这种标签分发技术必须由不能进行“VC合并”(定义见第3节)的ATM LSR使用,并且对于能够进行VC合并的ATM LSR是可选的。

This document does NOT specify the label distribution techniques to be used in the following cases:


- the routes are explicitly chosen before label distribution begins, instead of being chosen on a hop-by-hop basis as label distribution proceeds,

- 在标签分发开始之前显式选择路由,而不是在标签分发过程中逐跳选择路由,

- the routes are intended to diverge in any way from the routes chosen by the conventional hop-by-hop routing at any time,

- 这些路由旨在随时以任何方式偏离传统逐跳路由选择的路由,

- the labels represent FECs that consist of multicast packets,

- 标签表示由多播数据包组成的FEC,

- the LSRs use "VP merge".

- LSR使用“VP合并”。

Further statements made in this document about ATM-LSR label distribution do not necessarily apply in these cases.


This document also specifies the MPLS encapsulation to be used when sending labeled packets to or from ATM-LSRs, and in that respect is a companion document to [3]. The specified encapsulation is to be used for multicast or explicitly routed labeled packets as well.

本文件还规定了向ATM LSR发送或从ATM LSR发送标记数据包时使用的MPLS封装,在这方面,本文件是[3]的配套文件。指定的封装也将用于多播或显式路由标记的数据包。

This document uses terminology from [1].


2. Specification of Requirements
2. 需求说明

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

本文件中的关键词“必须”、“不得”、“要求”、“应”、“不得”、“应”、“不应”、“建议”、“可”和“可选”应按照RFC 2119中的说明进行解释。

3. Definitions
3. 定义

A Label Switching Router (LSR) is a device which implements the label switching control and forwarding components described in [1].


A label switching controlled ATM (LC-ATM) interface is an ATM interface controlled by the label switching control component. When a packet traversing such an interface is received, it is treated as a labeled packet. The packet's top label is inferred either from the contents of the VCI field or the combined contents of the VPI and VCI fields. Any two LDP peers which are connected via an LC-ATM interface will use LDP negotiations to determine which of these cases is applicable to that interface.


An ATM-LSR is a LSR with a number of LC-ATM interfaces which forwards cells between these interfaces, using labels carried in the VCI or VPI/VCI field, without reassembling the cells into frames before forwarding.


A frame-based LSR is a LSR which forwards complete frames between its interfaces. Note that such a LSR may have zero, one or more LC-ATM interfaces.


Sometimes a single box may behave as an ATM-LSR with respect to certain pairs of interfaces, but may behave as a frame-based LSR with respect to other pairs. For example, an ATM switch with an ethernet interface may function as an ATM-LSR when forwarding cells between its LC-ATM interfaces, but may function as a frame-based LSR when forwarding frames from its ethernet to one of its LC-ATM interfaces. In such cases, one can consider the two functions (ATM-LSR and frame-based LSR) as being coresident in a single box.

有时,一个单独的框可以作为ATM-LSR(关于某些接口对),但也可以作为基于帧的LSR(关于其他接口对)。例如,具有以太网接口的ATM交换机在其LC-ATM接口之间转发信元时可以用作ATM-LSR,但在将帧从其以太网转发到其LC-ATM接口之一时可以用作基于帧的LSR。在这种情况下,可以将两个函数(ATM LSR和基于帧的LSR)视为单个框中的CORESID。

It is intended that an LC-ATM interface be used to connect two ATM-LSRs, or to connect an ATM-LSR to a frame-based LSR. The use of an LC-ATM interface to connect two frame-based LSRs is not considered in this document.

LC-ATM接口用于连接两个ATM LSR,或将ATM-LSR连接到基于帧的LSR。本文件不考虑使用LC-ATM接口连接两个基于帧的LSR。

An ATM-LSR domain is a set of ATM-LSRs which are mutually interconnected by LC-ATM interfaces.


The Edge Set of an ATM-LSR domain is the set of frame-based LSRs which are connected to members of the domain by LC-ATM interfaces. A frame-based LSR which is a member of an Edge Set of an ATM-LSR domain may be called an Edge LSR.


VC-merge is the process by which a switch receives cells on several incoming VCIs and transmits them on a single outgoing VCI without causing the cells of different AAL5 PDUs to become interleaved.

VC合并是交换机在多个传入VCI上接收单元并在单个传出VCI上传输它们的过程,而不会导致不同AAL5 PDU的单元交错。

4. Special Characteristics of ATM Switches
4. ATM交换机的特殊特性

While the MPLS architecture permits considerable flexibility in LSR implementation, an ATM-LSR is constrained by the capabilities of the (possibly pre-existing) hardware and the restrictions on such matters as cell format imposed by ATM standards. Because of these constraints, some special procedures are required for ATM-LSRs.

虽然MPLS体系结构允许LSR实现具有相当大的灵活性,但ATM-LSR受到硬件(可能预先存在)能力和ATM标准对信元格式等问题的限制。由于这些限制,ATM LSR需要一些特殊程序。

Some of the key features of ATM switches that affect their behavior as LSRs are:


- the label swapping function is performed on fields (the VCI and/or VPI) in the cell header; this dictates the size and placement of the label(s) in a packet.

- 标签交换功能在单元头中的字段(VCI和/或VPI)上执行;这决定了标签在数据包中的大小和位置。

- multipoint-to-point and multipoint-to-multipoint VCs are generally not supported. This means that most switches cannot support 'VC-merge' as defined above.

- 通常不支持多点对点和多点对多点VCs。这意味着大多数交换机不能支持上面定义的“VC合并”。

- there is generally no capability to perform a 'TTL-decrement' function as is performed on IP headers in routers.

- 通常不具备在路由器的IP头上执行“TTL递减”功能的能力。

This document describes ways of applying label switching to ATM switches which work within these constraints.


5. Label Switching Control Component for ATM
5. ATM标签交换控制组件

To support label switching an ATM switch MUST implement the control component of label switching. This consists primarily of label allocation, distribution, and maintenance procedures. Label binding information is communicated by several mechanisms, notably the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) [2]. This document imposes certain requirements on the LDP.


This document considers only the case where the label switching control component uses information learned directly from network layer routing protocols. It is presupposed that the switch participates as a peer in these protocols (e.g., OSPF, IS-IS).


In some cases, LSRs make use of other protocols (e.g., RSVP, PIM, BGP) to distribute label bindings. In these cases, an ATM-LSR would need to participate in these protocols. However, these are not explicitly considered in this document.


Support of label switching on an ATM switch does NOT require the switch to support the ATM control component defined by the ITU and ATM Forum (e.g., UNI, PNNI). An ATM-LSR may OPTIONALLY respond to OAM cells.


6. Hybrid Switches (Ships in the Night)
6. 混合开关(夜间航行)

The existence of the label switching control component on an ATM switch does not preclude the ability to support the ATM control component defined by the ITU and ATM Forum on the same switch and the same interfaces. The two control components, label switching and the ITU/ATM Forum defined, would operate independently.


Definition of how such a device operates is beyond the scope of this document. However, only a small amount of information needs to be consistent between the two control components, such as the portions of the VPI/VCI space which are available to each component.


7. Use of VPI/VCIs
7. VPI/VCI的使用

Label switching is accomplished by associating labels with Forwarding Equivalence Classes, and using the label value to forward packets, including determining the value of any replacement label. See [1]


for further details. In an ATM-LSR, the label is carried in the VPI/VCI field, or, when two ATM-LSRs are connected via an ATM "Virtual Path", in the VCI field.

详情请参阅。在ATM-LSR中,标签携带在VPI/VCI字段中,或者,当两个ATM LSR通过ATM“虚拟路径”连接时,标签携带在VCI字段中。

Labeled packets MUST be transmitted using the null encapsulation, as defined in Section 6.1 of RFC 2684 [5].

按照RFC 2684[5]第6.1节的规定,必须使用空封装传输带标签的数据包。

In addition, if two LDP peers are connected via an LC-ATM interface, a non-MPLS connection, capable of carrying unlabelled IP packets, MUST be available. This non-MPLS connection is used to carry LDP packets between the two peers, and MAY also be used (but is not required to be used) for other unlabeled packets (such as OSPF packets, etc.). The LLC/SNAP encapsulation of RFC 2684 [5] MUST be used on the non-MPLS connection.

此外,如果两个LDP对等点通过LC-ATM接口连接,则必须提供能够承载未标记IP数据包的非MPLS连接。该非MPLS连接用于在两个对等方之间承载LDP分组,并且还可用于(但不要求使用)其他未标记分组(例如OSPF分组等)。RFC 2684[5]的LLC/SNAP封装必须用于非MPLS连接。

It SHOULD be possible to configure an LC-ATM interface with additional VPI/VCIs that are used to carry control information or non-labelled packets. In that case, the VCI values MUST NOT be in the 0-32 range. These may use either the null encapsulation, as defined in Section 6.1 of RFC 2684 [5], or the LLC/SNAP encapsulation, as defined in Section 5.1 of RFC 2684 [5].

应该可以使用附加的VPI/VCI配置LC-ATM接口,这些VPI/VCI用于传输控制信息或无标签数据包。在这种情况下,VCI值不得在0-32范围内。这些可以使用RFC 2684[5]第6.1节中定义的空封装,或RFC 2684[5]第5.1节中定义的LLC/SNAP封装。

7.1. Direct Connections
7.1. 直接连接

We say that two LSRs are "directly connected" over an LC-ATM interface if all cells transmitted out that interface by one LSR will reach the other, and there are no ATM switches between the two LSRs.


When two LSRs are directly connected via an LC-ATM interface, they jointly control the allocation of VPIs/VCIs on the interface connecting them. They may agree to use the VPI/VCI field to encode a single label.


The default VPI/VCI value for the non-MPLS connection is VPI 0, VCI 32. Other values can be configured, as long as both parties are aware of the configured value.

非MPLS连接的默认VPI/VCI值为VPI 0,VCI 32。只要双方都知道配置的值,就可以配置其他值。

A VPI/VCI value whose VCI part is in the range 0-32 inclusive MUST NOT be used as the encoding of a label.


With the exception of these reserved values, the VPI/VCI values used in the two directions of the link MAY be treated as independent spaces.


The allowable ranges of VCIs are communicated through LDP.


7.2. Connections via an ATM VP
7.2. 通过ATM VP的连接

Sometimes it can be useful to treat two LSRs as adjacent (in some LSP) across an LC-ATM interface, even though the connection between them is made through an ATM "cloud" via an ATM Virtual Path. In this case, the VPI field is not available to MPLS, and the label MUST be encoded entirely within the VCI field.


In this case, the default VCI value of the non-MPLS connection between the LSRs is 32. Other values can be configured, as long as both parties are aware of the configured value. The VPI is set to whatever is required to make use of the Virtual Path.


A VPI/VCI value whose VCI part is in the range 0-32 inclusive MUST NOT be used as the encoding of a label.


With the exception of these reserved values, the VPI/VCI values used in the two directions of the link MAY be treated as independent spaces.


The allowable ranges of VPI/VCIs are communicated through LDP. If more than one VPI is used for label switching, the allowable range of VCIs may be different for each VPI, and each range is communicated through LDP.


7.3. Connections via an ATM SVC
7.3. 通过ATM SVC的连接

Sometimes it may be useful to treat two LSRs as adjacent (in some LSP) across an LC-ATM interface, even though the connection between them is made through an ATM "cloud" via a set of ATM Switched Virtual Circuits.


The current document does not specify the procedure for handling this case. Such procedures can be found in [4]. The procedures described in [4] allow a VCID to be assigned to each such VC, and specify how LDP can be used used to bind a VCID to a FEC. The top label of a received packet would then be inferred (via a one-to-one mapping) from the virtual circuit on which the packet arrived. There would not be a default VPI or VCI value for the non-MPLS connection.


8. Label Distribution and Maintenance Procedures
8. 标签分发和维护程序

This document discusses the use of "downstream-on-demand" label distribution (see [1]) by ATM-LSRs. These label distribution procedures MUST be used by ATM-LSRs that do not support VC-merge, and MAY also be used by ATM-LSRs that do support VC-merge. The procedures differ somewhat in the two cases, however. We therefore describe the two scenarios in turn. We begin by describing the

本文件讨论了ATM LSR使用“下游按需”标签分发(见[1])。这些标签分发过程必须由不支持VC合并的ATM LSR使用,也可以由支持VC合并的ATM LSR使用。然而,在这两种情况下,程序有所不同。因此,我们依次描述这两种情况。我们首先描述

behavior of members of the Edge Set of an ATM-LSR domain; these "Edge LSRs" are not themselves ATM-LSRs, and their behavior is the same whether the domain contains VC-merge capable LSRs or not.

ATM-LSR域的边集成员的行为;这些“边缘LSR”本身不是ATM LSR,无论域是否包含支持VC合并的LSR,它们的行为都是相同的。

8.1. Edge LSR Behavior
8.1. 边缘LSR行为

Consider a member of the Edge Set of an ATM-LSR domain. Assume that, as a result of its routing calculations, it selects an ATM-LSR as the next hop of a certain FEC, and that the next hop is reachable via a LC-ATM interface. The Edge LSR uses LDP to request a label binding for that FEC from the next hop. The hop count field in the request is set to 1 (but see the next paragraph). Once the Edge LSR receives the label binding information, it may use MPLS forwarding procedures to transmit packets in the specified FEC, using the specified label as an outgoing label. (Or using the VPI/VCI that corresponds to the specified VCID as the outgoing label, if the VCID technique of [4] is being used.)


Note: if the Edge LSR's previous hop is using downstream-on-demand label distribution to request a label from the Edge LSR for a particular FEC, and if the Edge LSR is not merging the LSP from that previous hop with any other LSP, and if the request from the previous hop has a hop count of h, then the hop count in the request issued by the Edge LSR should not be set to 1, but rather to h+1.


The binding received by the edge LSR may contain a hop count, which represents the number of hops a packet will take to cross the ATM-LSR domain when using this label. If there is a hop count associated with the binding, the ATM-LSR SHOULD adjust a data packet's TTL by this amount before transmitting the packet. In any event, it MUST adjust a data packet's TTL by at least one before transmitting it. The procedures for doing so (in the case of IP packets) are specified in section 10. The procedures for encapsulating the packets are specified in section 9.


When a member of the Edge Set of the ATM-LSR domain receives a label binding request from an ATM-LSR, it allocates a label, and returns (via LDP) a binding containing the allocated label back to the peer that originated the request. It sets the hop count in the binding to 1.


When a routing calculation causes an Edge LSR to change the next hop for a particular FEC, and the former next hop was in the ATM-LSR domain, the Edge LSR SHOULD notify the former next hop (via LDP) that the label binding associated with the FEC is no longer needed.


8.2. Conventional ATM Switches (non-VC-merge)
8.2. 传统ATM交换机(非VC合并)

When an ATM-LSR receives (via LDP) a label binding request for a certain FEC from a peer connected to the ATM-LSR over a LC-ATM interface, the ATM-LSR takes the following actions:


- it allocates a label,

- 它分配一个标签,

- it requests (via LDP) a label binding from the next hop for that FEC;

- 它(通过LDP)从该FEC的下一跳请求标签绑定;

- it returns (via LDP) a binding containing the allocated incoming label back to the peer that originated the request.

- 它(通过LDP)将包含分配的传入标签的绑定返回给发起请求的对等方。

For purposes of this procedure, we define a maximum hop count value MAXHOP. MAXHOP has a default value of 255, but may be configured to a different value.


The hop count field in the request that the ATM-LSR sends (to the next hop LSR) MUST be set to one more than the hop count field in the request that it received from the upstream LSR. If the resulting hop count exceeds MAXHOP, the request MUST NOT be sent to the next hop, and the ATM-LSR MUST notify the upstream neighbor that its binding request cannot be satisfied.


Otherwise, once the ATM-LSR receives the binding from the next hop, it begins using that label.


The ATM-LSR MAY choose to wait for the request to be satisfied from downstream before returning the binding upstream. This is a form of "ordered control" (as defined in [1] and [2]), in particular "ingress-initiated ordered control". In this case, as long as the ATM-LSR receives from downstream a hop count which is greater than 0 and less than MAXHOP, it MUST increment the hop count it receives from downstream and MUST include the result in the binding it returns upstream. However, if the hop count exceeds MAXHOP, a label binding MUST NOT be passed upstream. Rather, the upstream LDP peer MUST be informed that the requested label binding cannot be satisfied. If the hop count received from downstream is 0, the hop count passed upstream should also be 0; this indicates that the actual hop count is unknown.


Alternatively, the ATM-LSR MAY return the binding upstream without waiting for a binding from downstream ("independent" control, as defined in [1] and [2]). In this case, it specifies a hop count of 0 in the binding, indicating that the true hop count is unknown. The correct value for hop count will be returned later, as described below.


Note that an ATM-LSR, or a member of the edge set of an ATM-LSR domain, may receive multiple binding requests for the same FEC from the same ATM-LSR. It MUST generate a new binding for each request (assuming adequate resources to do so), and retain any existing binding(s). For each request received, an ATM-LSR MUST also generate a new binding request toward the next hop for the FEC.


When a routing calculation causes an ATM-LSR to change the next hop for a FEC, the ATM-LSR MUST notify the former next hop (via LDP) that the label binding associated with the FEC is no longer needed.


When a LSR receives a notification that a particular label binding is no longer needed, the LSR MAY deallocate the label associated with the binding, and destroy the binding. In the case where an ATM-LSR receives such notification and destroys the binding, it MUST notify the next hop for the FEC that the label binding is no longer needed. If a LSR does not destroy the binding, it may re-use the binding only if it receives a request for the same FEC with the same hop count as the request that originally caused the binding to be created.


When a route changes, the label bindings are re-established from the point where the route diverges from the previous route. LSRs upstream of that point are (with one exception, noted below) oblivious to the change.


Whenever a LSR changes its next hop for a particular FEC, if the new next hop is reachable via an LC-ATM interface, then for each label that it has bound to that FEC, and distributed upstream, it MUST request a new label binding from the new next hop.


When an ATM-LSR receives a label binding for a particular FEC from a downstream neighbor, it may already have provided a corresponding label binding for this FEC to an upstream neighbor, either because it is using independent control, or because the new binding from downstream is the result of a routing change. In this case, unless the hop count is 0, it MUST extract the hop count from the new binding and increment it by one. If the new hop count is different from that which was previously conveyed to the upstream neighbor (including the case where the upstream neighbor was given the value 'unknown') the ATM-LSR MUST notify the upstream neighbor of the change. Each ATM-LSR in turn MUST increment the hop count and pass it upstream until it reaches the ingress Edge LSR. If at any point the value of the hop count equals MAXHOP, the ATM-LSR SHOULD withdraw the binding from the upstream neighbor. A hop count of 0 MUST be passed upstream unchanged.


Whenever an ATM-LSR originates a label binding request to its next hop LSR as a result of receiving a label binding request from another (upstream) LSR, and the request to the next hop LSR is not satisfied, the ATM-LSR SHOULD destroy the binding created in response to the received request, and notify the requester (via LDP).


If an ATM-LSR receives a binding request containing a hop count that exceeds MAXHOP, it MUST not establish a binding, and it MUST return an error to the requester.


When a LSR determines that it has lost its LDP session with another LSR, the following actions are taken. Any binding information learned via this connection MUST be discarded. For any label bindings that were created as a result of receiving label binding requests from the peer, the LSR MAY destroy these bindings (and deallocate labels associated with these binding).


An ATM-LSR SHOULD use 'split-horizon' when it satisfies binding requests from its neighbors. That is, if it receives a request for a binding to a particular FEC and the LSR making that request is, according to this ATM-LSR, the next hop for that FEC, it should not return a binding for that route.


It is expected that non-merging ATM-LSRs would generally use "conservative label retention mode" [1].

预计非合并ATM LSR通常使用“保守标签保留模式”[1]。

8.3. VC-merge-capable ATM Switches
8.3. 支持VC合并的ATM交换机

Relatively minor changes are needed to accommodate ATM-LSRs which support VC-merge. The primary difference is that a VC-merge-capable ATM-LSR needs only one outgoing label per FEC, even if multiple requests for label bindings to that FEC are received from upstream neighbors.

需要进行相对较小的更改以适应支持VC合并的ATM LSR。主要区别在于,支持VC合并的ATM-LSR每个FEC只需要一个传出标签,即使从上游邻居接收到多个标签绑定到该FEC的请求。

When a VC-merge-capable ATM-LSR receives a binding request from an upstream LSR for a certain FEC, and it does not already have an outgoing label binding for that FEC (or an outstanding request for such a label binding), it MUST issue a bind request to its next hop just as it would do if it were not merge-capable. If, however, it already has an outgoing label binding for that FEC, it does not need to issue a downstream binding request. Instead, it may simply allocate an incoming label, and return that label in a binding to the upstream requester. When packets with that label as top label are received from the requester, the top label value will be replaced with the existing outgoing label value that corresponds to the same FEC.


If the ATM-LSR does not have an outgoing label binding for the FEC, but does have an outstanding request for one, it need not issue another request.


When sending a label binding upstream, the hop count associated with the corresponding binding from downstream MUST be incremented by 1, and the result transmitted upstream as the hop count associated with the new binding. However, there are two exceptions: a hop count of 0 MUST be passed upstream unchanged, and if the hop count is already at MAXHOP, the ATM-LSR MUST NOT pass a binding upstream, but instead MUST send an error upstream.


Note that, just like conventional ATM-LSRs and members of the edge set of the ATM-LSR domain, a VC-merge-capable ATM-LSR MUST issue a new binding every time it receives a request from upstream, since there may be switches upstream which do not support VC-merge. However, it only needs to issue a corresponding binding request downstream if it does not already have a label binding for the appropriate route.

请注意,就像传统的ATM LSR和ATM-LSR域边缘集的成员一样,支持VC合并的ATM-LSR在每次收到来自上游的请求时都必须发出新绑定,因为上游可能有不支持VC合并的交换机。但是,如果它还没有相应路由的标签绑定,则只需要在下游发出相应的绑定请求。

When a change in the routing table of a VC-merge-capable ATM-LSR causes it to select a new next hop for one of its FECs, it MAY optionally release the binding for that route from the former next hop. If it doesn't already have a corresponding binding for the new next hop, it must request one. (The choice between conservative and liberal label retention mode [1] is an implementation option.)


If a new binding is obtained, which contains a hop count that differs from that which was received in the old binding, then the ATM-LSR must take the new hop count, increment it by one, and notify any upstream neighbors who have label bindings for this FEC of the new value. Just as with conventional ATM-LSRs, this enables the new hop count to propagate back towards the ingress of the ATM-LSR domain. If at any point the hop count exceeds MAXHOP, then the label bindings for this route must be withdrawn from all upstream neighbors to whom a binding was previously provided. This ensures that any loops caused by routing transients will be detected and broken.

如果获得了一个新绑定,其中包含一个与旧绑定中接收到的跳数不同的跳数,则ATM-LSR必须获取新的跳数,将其递增一,并将新值通知具有此FEC标签绑定的任何上游邻居。与传统的ATM LSR一样,这使得新的跳数能够传播回ATM-LSR域的入口。如果在任何时候跃点计数超过MAXHOP,则必须从先前提供绑定的所有上游邻居中撤消此路由的标签绑定。这确保了由路由瞬变引起的任何环路都将被检测到并断开。

9. Encapsulation
9. 封装

The procedures described in this section affect only the Edge LSRs of the ATM-LSR domain. The ATM-LSRs themselves do not modify the encapsulation in any way.

本节中描述的过程仅影响ATM-LSR域的边缘LSR。ATM LSR本身不会以任何方式修改封装。

Labeled packets MUST be transmitted using the null encapsulation of Section 6.1 of RFC 2684 [5].

必须使用RFC 2684[5]第6.1节中的空封装传输带标签的数据包。

Except in certain circumstances specified below, when a labeled packet is transmitted on an LC-ATM interface, where the VPI/VCI (or VCID) is interpreted as the top label in the label stack, the packet MUST also contain a "shim header" [3].


If the packet has a label stack with n entries, it MUST carry a shim with n entries. The actual value of the top label is encoded in the VPI/VCI field. The label value of the top entry in the shim (which is just a "placeholder" entry) MUST be set to 0 upon transmission, and MUST be ignored upon reception. The packet's outgoing TTL, and its CoS, are carried in the TTL and CoS fields respectively of the top stack entry in the shim.


Note that if a packet has a label stack with only one entry, this requires it to have a single-entry shim (4 bytes), even though the actual label value is encoded into the VPI/VCI field. This is done to ensure that the packet always has a shim. Otherwise, there would be no way to determine whether it had one or not, i.e., no way to determine whether there are additional label stack entries.


The only ways to eliminate this extra overhead are:


- through apriori knowledge that packets have only a single label (e.g., perhaps the network only supports one level of label)

- 通过先验知识,即数据包只有一个标签(例如,网络可能只支持一个级别的标签)

- by using two VCs per FEC, one for those packets which have only a single label, and one for those packets which have more than one label

- 通过为每个FEC使用两个VCs,一个用于只有一个标签的数据包,另一个用于具有多个标签的数据包

The second technique would require that there be some way of signalling via LDP that the VC is carrying only packets with a single label, and is not carrying a shim. When supporting VC merge, one would also have to take care not to merge a VC on which the shim is not used into a VC on which it is used, or vice versa.


While either of these techniques is permitted, it is doubtful that they have any practical utility. Note that if the shim header is not present, the outgoing TTL is carried in the TTL field of the network layer header.


10. TTL Manipulation
10. TTL操作

The procedures described in this section affect only the Edge LSRs of the ATM-LSR domain. The ATM-LSRs themselves do not modify the TTL in any way.

本节中描述的过程仅影响ATM-LSR域的边缘LSR。ATM LSR本身不会以任何方式修改TTL。

The details of the TTL adjustment procedure are as follows. If a packet was received by the Edge LSR as an unlabeled packet, the "incoming TTL" comes from the IP header. (Procedures for other network layer protocols are for further study.) If a packet was received by the Edge LSR as a labeled packet, using the encapsulation specified in [3], the "incoming TTL" comes from the entry at the top of the label stack.


If a hop count has been associated with the label binding that is used when the packet is forwarded, the "outgoing TTL" is set to the larger of (a) 0 or (b) the difference between the incoming TTL and the hop count. If a hop count has not been associated with the label binding that is used when the packet is forwarded, the "outgoing TTL" is set to the larger of (a) 0 or (b) one less than the incoming TTL.


If this causes the outgoing TTL to become zero, the packet MUST NOT be transmitted as a labeled packet using the specified label. The packet can be treated in one of two ways:


- it may be treated as having expired; this may cause an ICMP message to be transmitted;

- 可将其视为已过期;这可能导致传输ICMP消息;

- the packet may be forwarded, as an unlabeled packet, with a TTL that is 1 less than the incoming TTL; such forwarding would need to be done over a non-MPLS connection.

- 该分组可以作为未标记分组转发,其TTL小于传入TTL 1;这种转发需要在非MPLS连接上完成。

Of course, if the incoming TTL is 1, only the first of these two options is applicable.


If the packet is forwarded as a labeled packet, the outgoing TTL is carried as specified in section 9.


When an Edge LSR receives a labeled packet over an LC-ATM interface, it obtains the incoming TTL from the top label stack entry of the generic encapsulation, or, if that encapsulation is not present, from the IP header.


If the packet's next hop is an ATM-LSR, the outgoing TTL is formed using the procedures described in this section. Otherwise the outgoing TTL is formed using the procedures described in [3].


The procedures in this section are intended to apply only to unicast packets.


11. Optional Loop Detection: Distributing Path Vectors
11. 可选循环检测:分布路径向量

Every ATM-LSR MUST implement, as a configurable option, the following procedure for detecting forwarding loops. We refer to this as the LDPV (Loop Detection via Path Vectors) procedure. This procedure does not prevent the formation of forwarding loops, but does ensure that any such loops are detected. If this option is not enabled, loops are detected by the hop count mechanism previously described. If this option is enabled, loops will be detected more quickly, but at a higher cost in overhead.


11.1. When to Send Path Vectors Downstream
11.1. 何时向下游发送路径向量

Suppose an LSR R sends a request for a label binding, for a particular LSP, to its next hop. Then if R does not support VC-merging, and R is configured to use the LDPV procedure:


- If R is sending the request because it is an ingress node for that LSP, or because it has acquired a new next hop, then R MUST include a path vector object with the request, and the path vector object MUST contain only R's own address.

- 如果R发送请求是因为它是该LSP的入口节点,或者因为它获得了新的下一跳,那么R必须在请求中包含路径向量对象,并且路径向量对象必须只包含R自己的地址。

- If R is sending the request as a result of having received a request from an upstream LSR, then:

- 如果R由于从上游LSR接收到请求而发送请求,则:

* if the received request has a path vector object, R MUST add its own address to the received path vector object, and MUST pass the resulting path vector object to its next hop along with the label binding request;

* 如果接收到的请求具有路径向量对象,R必须将其自己的地址添加到接收到的路径向量对象,并且必须将得到的路径向量对象与标签绑定请求一起传递到其下一跳;

* if the received request does not have a path vector object, R MUST include a path vector object with the request it sends, and the path vector object MUST contain only R's own address.

* 如果接收到的请求没有路径向量对象,则R必须在其发送的请求中包含路径向量对象,并且路径向量对象必须仅包含R自己的地址。

An LSR which supports VC-merge SHOULD NOT include a path vector object in the requests that it sends to its next hop.


If an LSR receives a label binding request whose path vector object contains the address of the node itself, the LSR concludes that the label binding requests have traveled in a loop. The LSR MUST act as it would in the case where the hop count exceeds MAXHOP (see section 8.2).


This procedure detects the case where the request messages loop though a sequence of non-merging ATM-LSRs.

此过程检测请求消息通过非合并ATM LSR序列循环的情况。

11.2. When to Send Path Vectors Upstream
11.2. 何时向上游发送路径向量

As specified in section 8, there are circumstances in which an LSR R must inform its upstream neighbors, via a label binding response message, of a change in hop count for a particular LSP. If the following conditions all hold:


- R is configured for the LDPV procedure,

- 为LDPV程序配置了R,

- R supports VC-merge,

- R支持VC合并,

- R is not the egress for that LSP, and

- R不是该LSP的出口,并且

- R is not informing its neighbors of a decrease in the hop count,

- R没有通知其邻居跳数减少,

then R MUST include a path vector object in the response message.


If the change in hop count is a result of R's having been informed by its next hop, S, of a change in hop count, and the message from S to R included a path vector object, then if the above conditions hold, R MUST add itself to this object and pass the result upstream. Otherwise, if the above conditions hold, R MUST create a new object with only its own address.


If R is configured for the LDPV procedure, and R supports VC merge, then it MAY include a path vector object in any label binding response message that it sends upstream. In particular, at any time that R receives a label binding response from its next hop, if that response contains a path vector, R MAY (if configured for the LDPV procedure) send a response to its upstream neighbors, containing the path vector object formed by adding its own address to the received path vector.


If R does not support VC merge, it SHOULD NOT send a path vector object upstream.


If an LSR receives a message from its next hop, with a path vector object containing its own address, then LSR MUST act as it would if it received a message with a hop count equal to MAXHOP.


LSRs which are configured for the LDPV procedure SHOULD NOT store a path vector once the corresponding path vector object has been transmitted.


Note that if the ATM-LSR domain consists entirely of non-merging ATM-LSRs, path vectors need not ever be sent upstream, since any loops will be detected by means of the path vectors traveling downstream.

注意,如果ATM-LSR域完全由非合并的ATM LSR组成,则永远不需要向上游发送路径向量,因为任何环路都将通过向下游移动的路径向量来检测。

By not sending path vectors unless the hop count increases, one avoids sending them in many situations when there is no loop. The cost is that in some situations in which there is a loop, the time to detect the loop may be lengthened.


12. Security Considerations
12. 安全考虑

The encapsulation and procedures specified in this document do not interfere in any way with the application of authentication and/or encryption to network layer packets (such as the application of IPSEC to IP datagrams).


The procedures described in this document do not protect against the alteration (either accidental or malicious) of MPLS labels. Such alteration could cause misforwarding.


The procedures described in this document do not enable a receiving LSR to authenticate the transmitting LSR.


A discussion of the security considerations applicable to the label distribution mechanism can be found in [2].


13. Intellectual Property Considerations
13. 知识产权考虑

The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in regard to some or all of the specification contained in this document. For more information consult the online list of claimed rights.


The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.


The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive Director.


14. References
14. 工具书类

[1] Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A. and R. Callon "Multi-Protocol Label Switching Architecture", RFC 3031, January 2001.

[1] Rosen,E.,Viswanathan,A.和R.Callon“多协议标签交换架构”,RFC 30312001年1月。

[2] Andersson L., Doolan P., Feldman N., Fredette A. and R. Thomas, "LDP Specification", RFC 3036, January 2001.

[2] Andersson L.,Doolan P.,Feldman N.,Fredette A.和R.Thomas,“LDP规范”,RFC 3036,2001年1月。

[3] Rosen, E., Rekhter, Y., Tappan, D., Farinacci, D., Fedorkow, G., Li, T. and A. Conta, "MPLS Label Stack Encoding", RFC 3032, January 2001.

[3] Rosen,E.,Rekhter,Y.,Tappan,D.,Farinaci,D.,Fedorkow,G.,Li,T.和A.Conta,“MPLS标签堆栈编码”,RFC 3032,2001年1月。

[4] Nagami, K., Demizu N., Esaki H. and P. Doolan, "VCID Notification over ATM Link for LDP", RFC 3038, January 2001.

[4] Nagami,K.,Demizu N.,Esaki H.和P.Doolan,“LDP ATM链路上的VCID通知”,RFC 3038,2001年1月。

[5] Grossman, D., Heinanen, J., "Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5", RFC 2684, September 1999.

[5] Grossman,D.,Heinanen,J.,“ATM适配层5上的多协议封装”,RFC 2684,1999年9月。

15. Acknowledgments
15. 致谢

Significant contributions to this work have been made by Anthony Alles, Fred Baker, Dino Farinacci, Guy Fedorkow, Arthur Lin, Morgan Littlewood and Dan Tappan. We thank Alex Conta for his comments.

Anthony Alles、Fred Baker、Dino Farinaci、Guy Fedorkow、Arthur Lin、Morgan Littlewood和Dan Tappan对这项工作做出了重大贡献。我们感谢Alex Conta的评论。

16. Authors' Addresses
16. 作者地址

Bruce Davie Cisco Systems, Inc. 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA, 01824



Paul Doolan Ennovate Networks Inc. 60 Codman Hill Rd Boxborough, MA 01719

Paul Doolan Ennovate Networks Inc.马萨诸塞州博克斯伯勒市科德曼山路60号,邮编01719


Jeremy Lawrence Cisco Systems, Inc. 99 Walker St. North Sydney, NSW, Australia

Jeremy Lawrence Cisco Systems,Inc.澳大利亚新南威尔士州北悉尼沃克街99号


Keith McCloghrie Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 Tasman Drive San Jose, CA, 95134



Yakov Rekhter Juniper Networks 1194 N. Mathilda Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089



Eric Rosen Cisco Systems, Inc. 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA, 01824

Eric Rosen Cisco Systems,Inc.马萨诸塞州切姆斯福德阿波罗大道250号,邮编01824


George Swallow Cisco Systems, Inc. 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA, 01824


17. Full Copyright Statement
17. 完整版权声明

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


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