Network Working Group                                      H. Alvestrand
Request for Comments: 3254                                 Cisco Systems
Category: Informational                                       April 2002
Network Working Group                                      H. Alvestrand
Request for Comments: 3254                                 Cisco Systems
Category: Informational                                       April 2002

Definitions for talking about directories


Status of this Memo


This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.




When discussing systems for making information accessible through the Internet in standardized ways, it may be useful if the people who are discussing it have a common understanding of the terms they use.


For example, a reference to this document would give one the power to agree that the DNS (Domain Name System) is a global lookup repository with perimeter integrity and loose, converging consistency. On the other hand, a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory server is a local, centralized repository with both lookup and search capability.


This document discusses one group of such systems which is known under the term, "directories".


1. Introduction and basic terms
1. 导言和基本术语

We suggest using the following terms for the remainder of this document:


- Information: Facts and ideas which can be represented (encoded) as data in various forms.

- 信息:可以以各种形式表示(编码)为数据的事实和想法。

- Data: Information in a specific physical representation, usually a sequence of symbols that have meaning; especially a representation of information that can be processed or produced by a computer. (From [SEC].)

- 数据:特定物理表示形式的信息,通常是一系列有意义的符号;尤其是计算机可以处理或产生的信息的表示。(摘自[证券交易委员会])

- Repository: An amount of data that is accessible through one or more access methods.

- 存储库:可通过一种或多种访问方法访问的数据量。

- Requester: Entity that may (try to) access data in a repository. Note that no assumption is made that the requester is animal, vegetable, or mineral.

- 请求者:可以(尝试)访问存储库中数据的实体。请注意,没有假设请求者是动物、植物或矿物。

- Maintainer: Entity that causes changes to the data in the repository. Usually, all maintainers are requesters, since they need to look at the data too, however, the roles are distinct.

- 维护者:对存储库中的数据进行更改的实体。通常,所有的维护者都是请求者,因为他们也需要查看数据,然而,角色是不同的。

- Access method: Well-defined series of operations that will cause data available from a repository to be obtained by the requester.

- 访问方法:定义良好的一系列操作,这些操作将导致请求者获取存储库中可用的数据。

- Site: Entity that hosts all or part of a repository, and makes it available through one or more access methods. A site may in various contexts be a machine, a datacenter, a network of datacenters, or a single device.

- 站点:承载全部或部分存储库并通过一种或多种访问方法使其可用的实体。在各种环境中,站点可以是机器、数据中心、数据中心网络或单个设备。

This document is not intended to be either comprehensive or definitive, but is intended to give some aid in mutual comprehension when discussing information access methods to be incorporated into Internet Standards-Track documents.


2. Dimensions of classification
2. 分类的维度
2.1 Uniqueness and scope
2.1 独特性和范围

Some information systems are global, in the sense that only one can sensibly exist in the world.


Others are inherently local, in that each locality, site or even box will run its own information store, independent of all others.


The following terms are suggested:


- Global repository: A repository that there can be only one of in the world. The world itself is a prime example; the public telephone system's number assignments according to E.164 is another.

- 全局存储库:世界上只有一个存储库。世界本身就是一个最好的例子;根据E.164,公共电话系统的号码分配是另一个例子。

- Local repository: A class of repository of which multiple instances can exist, each with information relevant to that particular repository, with no need for coordination between them.

- 本地存储库:一类存储库,其中可以存在多个实例,每个实例都有与该特定存储库相关的信息,不需要它们之间的协调。

- Centralized repository: A repository where all access to data has to pass through some single site.

- 集中式存储库:所有数据访问都必须通过某个站点的存储库。

- Distributed repository: A repository that is not centralized; that is, access to data can occur through multiple sites.

- 分布式存储库:不是集中式的存储库;也就是说,可以通过多个站点访问数据。

- Replicated repository: A distributed repository where all sites have the same information.

- 复制存储库:所有站点具有相同信息的分布式存储库。

- Cooperative repository: A distributed repository where not all sites have all the information, but where mechanisms exist to get the info to the requester, even when it is not available to the site originally asked.

- 协作存储库:一种分布式存储库,其中并非所有站点都拥有所有信息,但存在向请求者获取信息的机制,即使最初请求的站点无法使用这些信息。

Note: The term "global" is often a matter of social or legal context; for instance, the E.164 telephone numbering system is global by international treaty, while the debate about whether the Domain Name System is global in fact or just a local repository with ambitions has proved bait for too many discussions to enumerate.


Some claim that globality is in the eye of the beholder; "everything is local to some context". When discussing technology, it may be wise to use "very widely deployed" instead.


Note: Locating the repositories changes with the scale of consideration. For instance, the global DNS system is considered a distributed cooperative repository, built out of zone repositories that themselves may be distributed, and are always replicated when distributed.


2.2 Search, Lookup, Query and Notify
2.2 搜索、查找、查询和通知

A different consideration when describing repositories is the types of method they offer to find information.


The chief classifications are:


- Lookup methods require the user to know or guess some exact value before asking for information, sometimes called a "lookup key" or "identifier" and sometimes called a "name". The word "name" is NOT recommended, since it conflicts with other uses of that word The response to a successful lookup is a single group of information, often called "information about the identified entity". A lookup method is binary (yes/no) in recall: It either returns one result or no result; if it returns a result, that result is the right result for that lookup key, so it is also of binary precision (no info or completely relevant info).

- 查找方法要求用户在询问信息之前知道或猜测一些准确的值,有时称为“查找键”或“标识符”,有时称为“名称”。不建议使用“名称”一词,因为它与该词的其他用法冲突。对成功查找的响应是一组信息,通常称为“有关已识别实体的信息”。查全率中的查找方法是二进制的(yes/no):它要么返回一个结果,要么不返回结果;如果它返回一个结果,则该结果是该查找键的正确结果,因此它也是二进制精度(无信息或完全相关信息)。

- Search methods require the user to know some approximate value of some information. They usually return zero, one, or more responses that match the information supplied according to some algorithm. Where the repository is structured around "entities", the information can be about zero, one, or many entities.

- 搜索方法要求用户知道某些信息的近似值。它们通常返回零个、一个或多个响应,这些响应与根据某种算法提供的信息相匹配。如果存储库是围绕“实体”构建的,则信息可以是零个、一个或多个实体。

In database terms, a lookup method corresponds to a query exactly matching a unique key on a table; all other database queries would be classified as "search" methods.


In general, repositories that offer more flexible search methods may also give room for ad-hoc queries, refinements from a previous query, approximate matching and other aids; this may lead to many different combinations of precision and recall.


One may define terms to enumerate what one gets out of these repositories:


. Precision is the degree to which what you asked for is what you wanted (no extraneous information)

. 精确性是指你所要求的是你想要的(没有无关信息)

. Recall is the ability to assure oneself that all relevant data from the repository is returned

. 召回是指能够确保从存储库返回所有相关数据的能力

. Type I errors occurs when relevant data exists in the repository, but is not returned

. 当存储库中存在相关数据但未返回时,会发生类型I错误

. Type II errors occur when irrelevant data is returned with a query result

. 当查询结果返回不相关的数据时,会发生类型II错误

Note that these concepts can only be applied when the property "relevance" is well defined; that is, it depends on what the repository is used for. A further discussion of these topics is found in [KORFHAGE].


An orthogonal dimension has to do with time:


- Query repositories will answer a request with a response, and once that is over with, will do nothing more.

- 查询存储库将用一个响应来回答一个请求,完成后,将不再执行任何操作。

- Notify repositories will get a request from a user to have information returned at some later time when it becomes available, current or whatever, and will respond at that time with a notification that information is available.

- Notify repositories将从用户处获得一个请求,要求在以后某个时间返回可用信息(当前信息或其他信息),并将在该时间以信息可用的通知作出响应。

- Subscription repositories are like notify repositories, but will transfer the actual information when available.

- 订阅存储库类似于通知存储库,但在可用时将传输实际信息。

2.3 Consistency models
2.3 一致性模型

Consistency (or the lack thereof) is a property of distributed repositories; for this particular discussion, we ignore the subject of semantically inconsistent data (such as occurrences of pregnant men), and focus on the problem of consistency where inconsistency is


defined as having the same request, using the same credentials, be answered with different data at different sites.


Distributed repositories may have:


- Strict consistency, where the problem above never arises. This is quite difficult; repositories that exhibit this property are usually quite constrained and/or quite expensive.

- 严格一致性,上述问题从未出现。这是相当困难的,;显示此属性的存储库通常非常受限和/或非常昂贵。

- Strict internal consistency, where the replies always reflect a consistent picture of the total repository, but some sites may reflect an earlier version of the repository than others.

- 严格的内部一致性,其中回复始终反映整个存储库的一致性,但某些站点可能反映存储库的早期版本。

- Loose, converging consistency, where different parts of the repository may be updated at different times as seen from a single site, but the process is designed in such a way that if one stops making changes to the repository, all sites will sooner or later present the same information.

- 松散、聚合的一致性,从单个站点可以看到存储库的不同部分可能在不同的时间更新,但该过程的设计方式是,如果停止对存储库进行更改,所有站点迟早会显示相同的信息。

- Inconsistency, where no guarantee can be made whatsoever

- 不一致,无法作出任何保证

One interesting variant is subset consistency, where the system is consistent (according to one of the definitions above), but not all questions will be answered at all sites; possibly because different sites have different policies on what they make available (NetNews), or because different sites only need different subsets of the "whole picture" (BGP).


2.4 Security models
2.4 安全模型

Its harder to describe security models in a few sentences than other properties of information systems. There also exists a large specialized literature on terminology for security, including [SEC].


Some thoughts, though:


On trust in data: Why do we trust a piece of data to be correct?


- Because it's in the repository (and therefore must have been authorized).

- 因为它在存储库中(因此必须经过授权)。

This is perimeter (or Eggshell) integrity.


- Because it contains internal integrity checks, usually involving digital signatures by verifiable identities. This is item integrity; the granularity of the integrity and the ability to do

- 因为它包含内部完整性检查,通常涉及可验证身份的数字签名。这是项目完整性;完整性的粒度和执行的能力

integrity checks on the relationships between objects is extremely important and extremely hard to get right, as is establishing the roots of the trust chains.


- Because it fits other available information, and causes the right things to happen when I use it.

- 因为它适合其他可用信息,并且在我使用它时会导致正确的事情发生。

This is hopeful integrity.


Which integrity model to choose is a matter of evaluating the cost of implementing the integrity (cost), the value to you of integrity of the resource being protected (value), and the impact of cost on doing business (risk).


On access to information, the usual categories apply:


- Open access: Anyone can get the information.

- 开放存取:任何人都可以获得信息。

- Property-based access: Access because of what you are, or where you are. For example limited to "same network", "physically present", or "resolvable DNS name"

- 基于属性的访问:基于您的身份或位置的访问。例如,仅限于“相同网络”、“物理存在”或“可解析DNS名称”

- Identity-based access: Access because of who you are (or successfully claim to be). (I.e., username/password, personal certificates or other verifiable information.)

- 基于身份的访问:由于您是谁(或成功声称是谁)而进行的访问。(即用户名/密码、个人证书或其他可验证信息。)

These are then backed up by a layer specifying what the identity you have proven yourself to be has access to.


- Token-based access: Access because of what you have. Hardware tokens, smartcards, certificates, or capability keys.

- 基于令牌的访问:基于您所拥有的内容进行访问。硬件令牌、智能卡、证书或功能密钥。

In this case, access is given to all who can present that credential, without caring about their identity.


The most common approaches are identity-based and open access; however, "what you have" access is commonly used informally in, for example, password-protected FTP or Web sites where the password is shared between all members of a group.


2.5 Update models
2.5 更新模型

A few examples:


- Read-only repositories have no standard means of changing the information in them. This is usually accomplished through some other interface than the standard interface.

- 只读存储库没有更改其中信息的标准方法。这通常是通过标准接口以外的其他接口实现的。

- Read-mostly repositories are designed based on a theory that reads will greatly outnumber updates; this may, for instance, be reflected in relatively slow consistency-updating protocols.

- 以阅读为主的存储库是基于这样一种理论设计的:阅读的数量将大大超过更新的数量;例如,这可能反映在相对缓慢的一致性更新协议中。

- Read-write repositories assume that the updates and the read operations are of the same order of magnitude.

- 读写存储库假定更新和读操作具有相同的数量级。

- Write-mostly repositories are designed to store an incoming stream of data, and when needed reproduce a relevant piece of data from the stream. Typical examples are insurance company databases and audit logs.

- 以写为主的存储库设计用于存储传入的数据流,并在需要时从数据流中复制相关数据段。典型的例子是保险公司数据库和审计日志。

2.6 The term "Directory"
2.6 “目录”一词

The definitions above never used the term "Directory".


In most common usages, the properties that a repository must have in order to be worthy of being called a directory are:


- Search

- 搜索

- Convergent consistency

- 收敛一致性

All the other terms above may vary across the set of things that are called "directories".


3. Classification of some real systems
3. 一些实系统的分类
3.1 The Domain Name System
3.1 域名系统

The DNS [DNS] is a global cooperative lookup repository with loose, converging consistency and query capability only.


It is either strictly read-only or read-mostly (with Dynamic DNS), has an open access model, and mainly perimeter integrity (some would say hopeful integrity). DNSSEC [DNSSEC] aims to give it item integrity.


The DNS is built out of zone repositories that themselves may be distributed, and are always replicated when distributed.


Note that like many other systems, the DNS has some features that do not fit neatly in the classification; for instance, there is a (deprecated and not widely used) function called IQUERY, which allows a very limited query capability.


If one opens up the box and looks at the relationship between primary and secondary nameservers, that can be seen as a limited form of notify capability, but this is not available to end-users of the total system.


3.2 The (imagined) X.500 Global Directory
3.2 (想象中的)X.500全局目录

X.500 [X500] was intended to be a global search repository with loose, converging consistency.


It was intended to be read-mostly, perimeter secure and query-capable.


3.3 The Global BGP Routing Information Database
3.3 全局BGP路由信息数据库

The Global or top-level BGP routing information database [BGP1] is often viewed as a global read-write repository with loose, converging subset consistency (not all routes are carried everywhere) and very limited integrity control, mostly intended to be perimeter integrity based on, "access control based on what you are".


One can argue that BGP [BGP2] is better viewed as a global mechanism for updating a set of local read/write repositories, since far from all routing information is carried everywhere, and the decision on what routes to accept is always considered a local policy matter. But from a security model perspective, a lot of the controls are applied at the periphery of the routing system, not at each local repository; this still makes it interesting to consider properties that apply to the BGP system as a whole.


3.4 The NetNews system
3.4 网络新闻系统

NetNews [NEWS] is a global read-write repository with loose (non-converging) subset consistency (not all sites carry all articles, and article retention times differ). Between sites it offers subscription capability; to users it offers both search and lookup functionality.



An SNMP [SNMP] agent can be thought of as a local, centralized repository offering lookup functionality.


With SNMPv3, it offers all kinds of access models, but mostly, "access because of what you have", seems popular.


4. Security Considerations
4. 安全考虑

Security is a very relevant question when considering information access systems.


Some issues to consider are:


- Controlled access to information

- 对信息的受控访问

- Controlled rights to update information

- 更新信息的受控权限

- Protection of the information path from provider to consumer

- 保护从提供者到使用者的信息路径

- With personal information, privacy issues

- 个人信息、隐私问题

- Interactions between multiple ways to access the same information

- 访问相同信息的多种方式之间的交互

It is probably a Good Thing to consider carefully the security models from section 2.4 when designing repositories or repository access protocols.


5. Acknowledgement
5. 确认

The author wishes to thank all who contributed to this document, including Patrik Faltstrom, Eric A. Hall, James Benedict, Ted Hardie, Urs Eppenberger, John Klensin, and many others.


6. References
6. 工具书类

[SEC] Shirey, R., "Internet Security Glossary", FYI 36, RFC 2828, May 2000.

[SEC]Shirey,R.,“互联网安全词汇表”,FYI 36,RFC 28282000年5月。

[DNS] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.

[DNS]Mockapetris,P.,“域名-概念和设施”,STD 13,RFC 1034,1987年11月。

[DNSSEC] Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions", RFC 2535, March 1999.

[DNSSEC] Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions", RFC 2535, March 1999.translate error, please retry

[E164] ITU-T Recommendation E.164/I.331 (05/97): The International Public Telecommunication Numbering Plan. 1997.


   [BGP1]     "Analyzing the Internet's BGP Routing Table", published in
               "The Internet Protocol Journal", Volume 4, No 1, April
               2001.  At the time of writing, available at
   [BGP1]     "Analyzing the Internet's BGP Routing Table", published in
               "The Internet Protocol Journal", Volume 4, No 1, April
               2001.  At the time of writing, available at

[BGP2] Rekhter, Y. and T. Li, "A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)", RFC 1771, March 1995.

[BGP2]Rekhter,Y.和T.Li,“边境网关协议4(BGP-4)”,RFC 17711995年3月。

[NEWS] Kantor, B. and P. Lapsley, "Network News Transfer Protocol", RFC 977, February 1986.


[SNMP] Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D. and B. Stewart, "Introduction to Version 3 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework", RFC 2570, April 1999.

[SNMP]Case,J.,Mundy,R.,Partain,D.和B.Stewart,“互联网标准网络管理框架第3版简介”,RFC 25701999年4月。

[X500] Weider, C. and J. Reynolds, "Executive Introduction to Directory Services Using the X.500 Protocol", FYI 13, RFC 1308, March 1992.

[X500]Weider,C.和J.Reynolds,“使用X.500协议的目录服务执行简介”,FYI 13,RFC 1308,1992年3月。

[KORFHAGE] "Information Storage and Retrieval", Robert R. Korfhage, Wiley 1997. See page 194 for "precision" and "recall" definitions.

[KORFHAGE]“信息存储和检索”,Robert R.KORFHAGE,Wiley,1997年。“精度”和“召回”定义见第194页。

7. Author's Address
7. 作者地址

Harald Tveit Alvestrand Cisco Systems Weidemanns vei 27 N-7043 Trondheim NORWAY

Harald Tveit Alvestrand Cisco Systems Weidemans vei 27 N-7043挪威特隆赫姆

   Phone: +47 41 44 29 94
   Phone: +47 41 44 29 94
8. Full Copyright Statement
8. 完整版权声明

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.


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